A wonderful gesture to our doctors and medical staff, this is commendable.



10.12.2020. 15:55

Christian believes that the intensive one-hour massage will be of great use to medical personnel who have been under mental and physical stress for a long time in their after work.

Korona, KBC Zemun

Korona, KBC Zemun, Photo: Hello / Vladimir Markovic

The post that circulates on Facebook these days has delighted many and has shown once again that coronavirus it did not take away humanity. It is a gesture of Kristijan Malečkar (26), who is a senior physiotherapist and decided to massage employees in covid hospitals for free every week.

To pay tribute to the doctors and medical staff working in Kovid’s hospitals and dispensaries, physiotherapist Kristijan Malečkar decided to help them as best he could. At the beginning of the month, she decided to massage them every other day for free until the end of the year, but she already had to change her mind, writes “RTS.”

– A lot more people called me than I had planned. First I wanted to do 3-4 massages a week, but now that I’ve seen how many people have called, I do one every day. There are many messages of support and I did not expect all that – said Kristijan Malečkar.

Christian believes that the intensive one-hour massage will be of great use to medical personnel who have been under mental and physical stress for a long time in their after work.

– I think it will mean a lot to them. During a slightly more intense massage, they will feel like new the next day and I think it will benefit them, especially their companions who are tired and exhausted, and who will enjoy it all – added Christian.

Christian’s gesture was heard far and wide and there are already reserved dates for Zemun and Belgrade, and it would be good if his colleagues followed the same path in these places, because in addition to massage, the attention given to medical staff means much.

– We are very pleasantly surprised, because spending 6 hours in a space suit is difficult. Every part of the colleague who decided to take that step and who appreciates the work and effort of all of us who are committed to this situation and the fight against Kovid 19 – says by “RTS”, Nenad Vujković, medical technician at OB Pancevo.

To cut her costs and make her work easier, Kristijan received an essential oil for a massage from a producer, as well as a free weekend at Zlatibor for two, which is another confirmation that she is returning well.
