“A woman called me and told me to go to the store urgently, I there, and my Nemanja HAS EVERYTHING IN BLOOD ON THE ROAD”


The phone rings, a woman calls me: “Hi, come to the store quickly.” I get there, and Nemanja is all covered in blood on the way …

This is how Anica Antanasović, the eighteen-year-old mother of Nemanja, who was stabbed to death this morning in the village of Zaplanjska Toponica in the municipality of Gadžin Han, cries for “Blic”.

– Well, my Nemanja, my son, my ugly without blooming … You are too young to go to the cemetery – shouted the mother of the murdered young man at the door of the family home.

Nemanja Antanasović died on the way to hospital


Nemanja Antanasović died on the way to hospital

According to the information known so far, Nemanja was first assaulted and beaten during the night, and then, around 6 in the morning, while walking with his girlfriend, he was stabbed. The young man suffered multiple stab wounds to the chest and died on the way to the hospital.

Nemanja’s mother says that she and her husband Borisav adopted Nemanja when she was only 26 days old … As she says, this morning she received an invitation from a woman to go to the emergency shop because Nemanja was injured and found her son bloody on the street …

– He was lying covered in blood … We called an ambulance, but she never came, and the boy was dropping my soul … We put him in a jeep to take him to the ambulance … He was bleeding a lot from the wound he was inflicted with a knife – says the mother crying as she shows traces of blood on the car and bloody things from the young man.

The bloody car that took Nemanja to the hospital


The bloody car that took Nemanja to the hospital

Borisav Antanasović, Nemanja’s father, says the stabbing was preceded by a fight that took place around 1 p.m., in which his son was assaulted and injured.

– First they beat him 150 meters from the house. Last night we took him to Doljevac, then to Nis where they examined him and said everything was fine. He told me that he recognized only two people from the group who attacked him … – says the shaken father and adds:

“They should have been detained immediately, all the actors should be beaten, and Nemanja should determine who is to blame. They intended to attack him, and they were stronger in numbers,” says the father.

The father of the murdered young man


The father of the murdered young man

Borisav adds that he does not know why his son was attacked.

– It was a child for example. He did not curse anyone or touch anyone. He was there last night with his girlfriend because his uncle died, so today they were supposed to go to the cemetery on the first Saturday. After that fight, for which we left the hospital only around 4.30-5.00 this morning, he said that he would not sleep, because then he would not be able to get up. That’s why they didn’t sleep, they drank coffee and went for a walk, and then they planned to go to the cemetery … Then they called me that Nemanja was wounded … I found him stabbed in a courtyard – says the father of the murdered young man.

Who Killed Nemanja?

Police are still investigating who killed Nemanja. According to the first information, it is suspected that the young man was stabbed by Milan T. (18), with whom Nemanja went to the door this morning. As Milan T.’s father told him, Nemanja told them that he had been attacked and needed help, and Milan went with him to accompany him and his girlfriend home.

However, according to the father, his son soon returned with a knife stab and was immediately taken to hospital. Nemanja’s underage girlfriend (14) was also injured in the brutal confrontation. She is also in the hospital, but thankfully she received a shallow stab.

At this time it is not clear if Milan T. killed Nemanja or if he and Nemanja were attacked by other youths. According to the Milan T. family story, the two were close friends.

Milan T. (18) stabbed is recovering after several hours of surgery at the Nis Clinical Center, but is still in serious condition.

– The stab left lung, neck injury, as well as all other superficial injuries and cuts were successfully repaired. After the operation, he was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Anesthesia Clinic. The patient is currently vitally stable, but immediately remains life-threatening, sedated and hooked up to a mechanical ventilation device, they say in KC Nis.
