A US analyst for H1: Trump did not deliver even half of the great promises


Marija Šajkaš, a US media and political analyst, told H1 that some statistics show that presidents generally deliver on two-thirds of big promises in the first round, and that US President Donald Trump did not deliver on even the half of them. He states that it is certain that not all Serbs in the United States will vote for him.

Commenting on the US media reports during the electoral process, he said that the situation is quite polarized and that it has never been so polarized since he has been living in the United States for 18 years, recalling that p. Trump is a regular guest on some media, such as Fox News, and on the other hand, he openly attacks some media.

Speaking about the transfer, if Trump loses, remember that, on the one hand, President Trump and the vice president “did not respond positively to that question,” and on the other hand, there is the top of the Republican Party and the top of the army who said that the handover would be peaceful. . “It is shameful that President Trump uses such inflammatory rhetoric and sometimes directly addresses his voters, some of whom have been labeled by the FBI as members of a terrorist group, so there is little fear that things will not. go well, as expected. “, says the analyst.

Shajkash adds that the media can help by seeing that even pro-Trump reporters calmly and do not jump to conclusions.

When asked what Trump promised but didn’t do, she says his recognizable promise is a wall with Mexico. “The wall was not built or paid for by Mexico, as the president said,” recalls Šajkaš, adding that the cries to “build a wall” could be heard at rallies during his campaign. Of the others, the biggest promise he did not keep was that he did not replace Obamacker’s health system, according to the H1 interlocutor.

The good thing he did was start reforming the prison system, he adds.

He claims that some statistics show that presidents generally deliver on two-thirds of big promises in the first round, and that US President Donald Trump did not deliver even half of them.

Shaikash says that “both administrations are interested in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, the Middle East, Afghanistan.”

As for the Western Balkans, if Biden wins, “we can say with certainty that the policy of previous administrations will continue there” and moving closer to the EU, and if Trump wins, the characteristic of his policy is, he says, “transactional.” His background is television and commerce, so “optics” is important, and it is important what the United States, his administration and he personally can get in return, and in that sense, you can see the agreement with Kosovo and Serbia, says Sajkas.

When asked why Serbs vote for Trump, he said that it is an idea that is present more in the Serbian media than in the United States, that a group of “Serbs for Trump” appeared and that it is interesting to see them, but that in their most are known through social networks. net. But there is a group “Stop the police dictatorship in Serbia”, about which nothing is known in the Serbian media, and which were registered by the Americans, says Šajkaš.

He states that there are many Serbian groups on Facebook in the United States, and that it is true, from what is exchanged in them, that not all Serbs will vote for Trump, that is, “that there is no single block of voters.” And finally, there are so many Serbs in America that they can’t change a thing (by voting for someone), he says.

These seem like the choices of our lives, says Šajkaš, talking about how he feels.
