A Turkish lawyer went on a hunger strike until her death, away from the eyes of the Serbian public.


Turkish human rights lawyer Ebru Timtik recently passed away as a result of a hunger strike in prison, demanding the right to a fair trial. In March of last year, she, along with 17 colleagues, was accused of terrorism, that is, of alleged links with the banned left-wing party. Almost eight months ago, she went on a hunger strike; During all that time, this story remained far from the eyes of the Serbian public.

His name is Ebru Timtik. She was a lawyer. On August 27, 238 days had passed since he started a hunger strike. She died that day. She was 42 years old and weighed 30 pounds.

The president of the YUCOM Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Katarina Golubović, says that the case of Ebru Timtik is known to the international professional public.

“Since lawyers have been prosecuted in Turkey for many years, many of them are detained and imprisoned. What is common in all these trials is that these lawyers were representatives of those who were not prosecuted. The will of the authorities.” says Golubović.

In Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who gained almost unlimited power in the 2017 referendum, the current enemy of the state is the persecuted Kurdish minority, whose representatives were represented by Ebru Timtik in several cases.

“What we know specifically about Ebra is that she was a person who represented minorities for a long time. She was the protector of the most vulnerable. Her bar association, the Istanbul Bar Association, is convinced that she was innocent and that their right to a fair trial was in danger of extinction, “says Golubović.

Law professor Vesna Rakić Vodinelić, who analyzed the case, says the same thing: there was no fair trial in the Ebru Timtik trial.

There we were able to see all the violations committed, starting with the questioning of anonymous witnesses, so the defense was not given the right to do so, and then no evidence that was very important was included in the file. the judge addressed the lawyers indecently, denied some of them the right to attend the trial, etc. “explains Rakić Vodinelić.

At the end of the trial, Ebru was sentenced to 13 and a half years in prison. Demanding a fair trial, he went on a hunger strike that cost him his life. A tragedy that resonated around the world and about which most Serbian citizens know little or nothing.

“Our media and people perceive foreign policy as something that has direct ties to Serbia, to be precise, they live it through Aleksandar Vučić and his international visits, epics, etc. That is why we are inclined to look at our navel for several decades, that there, a woman, who is a lawyer, dies due to dissatisfaction with the judiciary, which is a secondary issue for us, “says Rakić Vodinelić.

Secondly, in our country the strikes became farces, our hunger strikes were exhibitionist in the first place, and secondly they were pop. All the people who went on a hunger strike did so demonstratively, in front of the Assembly building, they liked the people they are painting, and this woman went on a hunger strike in one of the most heavily guarded prisons, Silivri Prison in Turkey “, recalls Rakić Vodinelić.

Away from the eyes of the Serbian public, there are other cases of Turkish prisons that are shaking the international community. Ebru Timtik’s death due to a hunger strike is a Thursday in Turkish prisons since the beginning of the year. Hundreds of lawyers, journalists and human rights activists are behind bars.

Along with Ebra, 17 of her colleagues were sentenced to long prison terms. One of them, Ajtek Unsal, is also in critical condition due to the hunger strike.

The Supreme Court of Turkey has decided to release him because of his health. His attorneys, however, say he may close again when he recovers. Unsal does not have to be under house arrest, but is prohibited from leaving the country.
