A “Trampoline” epidemiologist advises how to prevent the spread of coronavirus between households


Violeta Rakić is a guest at Belgrade pot stated that when a household member tests positive, the others must be in home quarantine for 14 days.

It adds that, if conditions allow, a family member with confirmed coronavirus should be placed in a separate room.

We are fully aware that we do not live in apartments that exceed 100 and 200 square meters, but that it is a family home with a bathroom. What is very necessary is that all the people who are in that joint home, and who are now placed in the so-called home quarantine for a period of 14 days from the occurrence of a confirmed case of their relative, if the possibilities are they allow, they isolate the positive person in a room, ”explains Rakić.

He adds that the situation in Serbia is such that many families have only one bathroom and that in those cases the room must be disinfected with alcohol after each positive person enters it.

“Normally they have to use some common areas such as: hallway, bathroom, kitchen. And what would be our recommendation is that when that person has to go to the bathroom or kitchen, hallway, wear a mask and take all the items that touched him, hit the handle, the handle, clean the shower with 70% alcohol, “explains Rakić.

He recommends that food be left in front of the door of an infected person and notes that we have good examples where household members followed all the advice and did not get infected even though they were living with a person with confirmed coronavirus.

He calls on all citizens to respect the prescribed measures, because, as he says, if we act with extreme responsibility, we will remain in this number of newly discovered cases and we will not have new leaps.

“Simply, the personal responsibility of each one of us and the application of all the measures would be, in a way, enough so that the number of newly discovered cases does not increase in some future period,” concluded Rakic.
