A total of 7,400 active cases, today a thousand exams! Kovid ambulance works non-stop, finds blood in a few minutes


The Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, as a guest on RTV 1 on the program “Grad i mi”, stated that yesterday an emergency situation was introduced in Novi Sad, and that today there are more than 7,400 active cases in Novi Sad. total number of infected people, “which is a serious number and an indicator of how much pressure there is on the health system.”

  • Today I also spoke with the director of the Health Center and I think we have 1,000 exams a day at the Kovid clinic in Novi Naselje. Novi Sad has long worked 24 hours a day for Kovid’s clinic. It’s clear to me that nervousness is what keeps people queuing up, but there’s no way for patients to be screened faster and get the correct diagnosis. We took another X-ray, bought the latest technologies for blood tests, reduced the wait from 45 minutes to 4-5 minutes. During the day, 11 teams of doctors work for us in the Kovid ambulance, at night we have 4-5 teams that are on duty, “said Vučević.
  • I am aware that many people are tired of all this information and that we are all tired of the crown issue and when you hear that issue most people want to change the channel, but we will not solve the problem by running away from it, we must face it and We must all understand that we are part of the solution to this situation or problem, in the sense of respecting the measures and understanding that it is in our interest, our families and household members. The fact that an emergency situation has been introduced is the loudest alarm it could send to the public in Novi Sad. I think we are entering the minutes in which the game breaks, ”emphasized the mayor of Novi Sad.

When it comes to the assessment of Dr. Kona, who said that 60 percent of the population in Serbia still does not adhere to epidemiological measures, Vučević said that he does not believe that that percentage also applies to Novi Sad.

  • I don’t think 60 percent of the people in Novi Sad don’t adhere to epidemiological measures. A large number use them, but there are people who do not give up on anything, there are a small number of people who are infected and have no symptoms, thank God, they move and are not in danger, but they are a danger to other people. What we notice as a trend in this wave is that we have almost entire families infected. This is what is really dangerous and all residents of different ages can be in danger. I think there is no person in Novi Sad who does not know someone who is not infected – said Vučević.

He also emphasized that it is very interesting, in terms of sobriety, to hear the experiences of people who have gone through all this.

  • When you listen to them, you see that it is not a game, not a conspiracy theory, not a flu there. This is a serious disease and it exists. And until the arrival of a vaccine or a medicine, we must consolidate, be disciplined and control the situation. It is in our interest not only in terms of health, but also for the economy, employment, the development of our city and our country. We will start dealing with economic problems as soon as the crown is defeated or under control, said the mayor of Novi Sad.

The city brought the necessary measures

Concluding that today we had lines in front of the covid ambulance, but also in front of the shops and when asked what the reports of the inspection services say, Vučević said that the orders for minor crimes are written every day, someone is punished every day, but there is no point in punishing.

  • If it all comes down to sanctions, we cannot defeat the virus. We do not want to punish anyone, but that everyone respect the measures. We are not anxious for any action, but to see a chain of solidarity, responsibility, and of course we will sanction anyone who violates these provisions and measures. I ask people to understand that from the moment the state of emergency was declared, it was an alarm call and a red alarm – he added.

When asked what else the city can do, Vučević said that the city brought everything that was needed in terms of measures, and that now everything depends on us, that is. the question of our control and discipline, inspection towards those who do not respect it, but do not want to close the city.

  • What we can still do is turn the Fair into a temporary hospital. I hope we don’t have to, but I have to think of all the scenarios, and it takes 48 hours to prepare for the Fair. Today, we do not have an agenda to set up a temporary hospital at the Fair, but I cannot sign that we will not have to do it in 24 or 48 hours or 7 days. People must understand that now everything depends on us, that is. about the state and the city and about the citizens. No one can get out of that chain of responsibility. We are all on the same task or at least we should be. The vast majority of citizens will understand these messages. We do not expect a solution to fall from the sky, but we will rely on our discipline and responsibility and we will control everything that is in front of us – said Vučević.

The mayor, responding to the question whether we should be concerned about the situation in kindergartens and schools, said that he believes that it is terminologically inaccurate to say that schools for upper grades of primary and secondary schools are being closed.

  • Schools work, they just switch to online classes, maybe that is a trivial definition for someone, but it is very important. The crisis staff felt that it was better due to pressure, mainly on the health system, to switch to online teaching, and we recommend universities where online teaching is possible. For the first to fourth grade and preschool pupils, as well as the children in kindergartens, everything continues to work regularly and I think it is a good decision. They are the least threatened in terms of health, by far the least number of them are infected, and I believe that with this organizational model we can wait until the end of this semester. Security is not guaranteed for anyone. By applying all the measures, by controlling the situation, you have reduced the risk to a minimum. There is no guarantee that someone is 100% sure. All kindergartens work for us and all elementary schools from first to fourth grade continue to function. There are fewer children in kindergartens. Today, those who are in favor of closing kindergartens tomorrow would be the first critics to whom parents will leave their children. That would lead to more endangered positions and jobs, “he added.

Commenting on the production of hyperchloride, Vučević stated that JKP “Vodovod i kanalizacija” has the technology to obtain this chemical compound and produce around 2 tons per day.

“We distribute it all the time to citizens and health care institutions throughout Serbia and the Republika Srpska, and we have not charged anyone a dinar.

The BIC block of the Vojvodina Clinical Center is being built

He said that the great news was that today an agreement was signed in the Government of Serbia for the construction of the BIC Clinical Center in Vojvodina, and congratulated the Republic and the Provincial Government for this.

  • That is something important for this part of Serbia, and now we are gaining the conditions to also have the City Hospital. That is not a wish or a plan now, now it is a question of when the realization will begin – he pointed out.

He pointed out that he is still very concerned about the health of citizens, but also of doctors and nurses, how long they will be able to endure.

  • Concerned only about schools and kindergartens, that our teachers, professors and children stay healthy. It is very difficult to receive messages for the first time every morning for nine months about how many people are infected. I am concerned about the gerontology centers in Liman, in Novo Naselje and Futog, for each private home for the elderly, for each citizen. So once again I ask people to understand why the measures were taken and why the state of emergency was declared in the city. This is a wake-up call to save Novi Sad, its citizens, their health and their lives, but also the economy of the city. We must also think about jobs and jobs, because people need to live tomorrow and receive a salary. I wouldn’t want any waiter, tourist, or salesperson to lose their job. This is an unimaginably difficult year. It is very easy to know from home what kind of team should play in the national team and how Djokovic should play in London and how doctors should treat and what decisions the state should make. But, someone has to sign it and take responsibility for it – he emphasized.

The departure is inextricably linked to Novi Sad

He noted that he was satisfied with the income from the Novi Sad city budget.

  • It is a great victory for both my staff and the administration, but also a great thank you to the citizens for their responsibility towards their city and for protecting their city. It is also a reflection of trust, because citizens know how we dispose of the city’s money, they have never seen waste in these eight years, but also a reflection of the strength of Novi Sad’s economy, which is much stronger than what it was, but that will undoubtedly be great challenges. Now I am shaking if someone will lose their job because of this situation, because these are not numbers, they are some names, they are some people. We must make sure that we get through it all with the least possible financial consequences. We have not given up any investment, or any social subsidy, in the European Capital of Culture – says Vučević.

He noted that he is very proud that the prestigious Forbes magazine has placed Novi Sad among the top five tourist destinations, but also that Exit is staying in Novi Sad.

  • I immediately said that it was unthinkable for Exit to leave Novi Sad. It is not an Exit chair or a table, for you to move, it is a great brand that is inextricably linked to the city, the Danube, the fortress, with the whole environment. It’s not like taking a joystick and moving something. Today I also had a meeting with a prominent Japanese who is a representative of the Japanese-European fund that cooperates with the European capitals of culture, who told me that they are looking forward to the Olympic Games in Tokyo next year, and those are the things for which you live and you fight.

A chocolate factory in spring, Nidek is waiting

The members of the City Assembly decided on the final solution of the illegal settlement in Bangladesh, Vučević noted that the construction of beautiful and typical houses will be done thanks to donors.

  • Bangladesh will no longer be a settlement you don’t want to enter and the people who live there will no longer be on the fringes of life. And they must be incorporated and included in the life of the city.

He noted that investments are progressing a lot and that he hopes we will have the Swiss chocolate factory Barry Calebo with the academy in the spring.

  • Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the representatives of Barry Calebo could not come to Novi Sad and sign an agreement with the Faculty of Technology, where they will establish permanent cooperation and where the best experts, students and professors will practice and work there – said the mayor .

As for the Japanese company Nidek, he stated that he believes they are close to the decision to come to Novi Sad.

  • The fact that we had five meetings with them is a good sign. Here they would manufacture motors for electric cars, which is the future of the automotive industry. They work for the most important brands in the world. If they come here, that investment could grow to two billion dollars, which was published by a renowned Japanese economic magazine.

He revealed that today an agreement was signed between the City Council and the consortium, which made an offer for the reconstruction of the urban area.

  • After many decades, we will get a well organized Novi Sad center, and I congratulate the people of Novi Sad for that. We leave from the Plaza del Teatro and the Church of the Assumption, and then we go to the arrangement of the Plaza de la Libertad – he said.

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