A terrible storm awaits Serbia, the worst will be on Sunday and on Monday, the wind will blow everything away



05.12.2020. 13:46

The strongest wind gusts are expected tomorrow and Monday morning in South Banat at 100 to 140 km / h (28 to 40 m / s)

Weather forecast

Weather forecast, Photo: Alo.rs/ Illustration

During the first decade of December, a strong and stormy wind from the southeast will blow in the Košava area, and in the south

Banat and with hurricane blows, the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic warned today.

The strongest wind gusts are expected tomorrow and Monday morning in southern Banat at 100 to 140 km / h (28 to 40 m / s), and in Belgrade at 70 to 80 km / h (20 to 23 m / s).

On other days, the gusts in southern Banat will be mostly up to 28 m / s (up to 100 km / h), and in the Belgrade area up to 60 km / h (17 m / s).

In Serbia, tomorrow morning in the south-west valleys, there will be some fog, and during the day it will be moderately cloudy, warm and windy, while in Timočka Krajina it will remain cloudy and gloomy, with the possibility of light rain.

wind, rain, storm

wind, rain, storms, Photo: Hello! / Rajko Ristic

The wind is weak and moderate, south and southeast, strong and stormy in the area of ​​Košava, in the south of Banat and with gusts with hurricane force. In the afternoon and overnight from the southwest, thicker clouds with rain.

The lowest temperature is 2 to 9 ° C, the highest 8 to 15 ° C, announced the Hydrometeorological Institute of the Republic.

In Belgrade, moderately cloudy, warm and windy. Moderate and strong wind, south and southeast, with gusts of storm force.

Cloudy at night. The lowest temperature around 8C, the highest around 14C.

wind, rain, weather forecast

wind, rain, weather forecast, Photo: Tanjug

Weather forecast in Serbia until December 13:

Colder, during the whole period, transitory clouds with rain, in high mountains with snow. On Monday in Timočka Krajina, with wet snow, and during the night, it is possible that it will rain with ice.

A moderate and strong southeast wind will blow in the Košava area, and with storm gusts in the south of Banat. As of Thursday, the wind is weakening.
