A teenager (14) from Ivanjica attacked his aunt in the forest, made a living for an hour, and then continued raping sheep?



14.10.2020. 07:00 – 14.10.2020. 07:30

BK from nearby Ivanjica, who was allegedly raped by a cousin

BK from nearby Ivanjica, allegedly raped by a cousin, Photo: Private archive

The “sheep” issue is being solved by forensic experts from Belgrade! This will determine if a boy (14) from a town near Ivanjica raped his aunt BK (56). She claims that the teenager attacked her in the forest and lived an hour, and that he continued to rape the sheep!

This unpleasant incident sparked a flood of comments in the village, with most locals accusing BK of lying.

– The Superior Prosecutor’s Office in Čačak informed me on the occasion of the criminal report submitted by BK requesting the National Center for Criminology in Belgrade to compare the leads and determine what happened. The finding has not yet reached the prosecutor’s office in Čačak: lawyer Zoran Marković from Ivanjica, representative of BK, told “Alo!”

Your client BK told our newspaper yesterday that she still supports her claim that she was raped.


The minor is allegedly still chasing sheep around the town, Photo: Archive

– He still does those things with sheep. He chases them and rides. One day it took me half a minute to take a photo of him in action. Around the sheep does not stop. My husband visits his family because they are related and I only see them on the street. The little one stopped walking around our house. I’m still scared though. One day I saw it when we passed it in a jeep – says BK

He is especially outraged at the president of the local DP community, who claims that she got into a fight with the entire town.

– Old man! I will file a complaint against him! He lied to me that I dragged the little boy through the woods for two years and didn’t want to go anywhere without him. He also lies that all the locals are against me – BK is explicit

She denies having made up the whole story to harm the boy’s family, who is in a difficult financial situation and receives financial aid.

Lawyer Zoran Marjanović from Ivanjica

Lawyer Zoran Marjanović from Ivanjica, Photo: Private album

An unusual scandal erupted on June 20, when BK informed police that a teenager attacked her in the forest while picking mushrooms.

Confiscated cabinet and mobile

Lawyer Zoran Markovic claims that BK gave a statement to the police and was at the gynecological examination.

– They took away the closet, mobile phones and other things to determine what exactly happened from clues, messages and calls – explains Markovic.

– That day I went to look for mushrooms and he followed me. I said, “Come back, monkey, I’ll call my husband!”, But he didn’t want to. He had ropes in his pocket to tie bales of hay. I threw a stick at a plum tree, but then it jumped off my back, grabbed my hands, and threw me into the canal. He took off my boots and tied my hands. He took off my tracksuit and underwear and raped me. He didn’t have the strength, whether from fatigue or illness, to fight him. I had strength when I was a young man in my 20s, and I am small and thin. I begged him to let me go, saying that I would give him candy and money, but that he would not let me go – BK said excitedly.

She informed the police that the boy was riding his sheep and that she once found him raping a sheep in his stable, which then disappeared!
