A team of doctors from Nis determined that the coronavirus also affects hearing


A team of doctors from the Nis Clinical Center’s Otolaryngology clinic examined the impact of coronavirus on hearing and it was shown that covid-19 can lead to mild to moderate hearing loss at high frequencies, said the director of the Otolaryngology clinic. Dusan Milisavljevic, noting that the first comprehensive study of the effects of covid on hearing is worldwide.

Milisavljevic told RTS that the team of experts was in the red zone and examined the effect of the coronavirus on hearing in moderately severe and severe patients.

“We found mild to moderate hearing loss at high frequencies. This means that the coronavirus can also attack the auditory nerve. We record patients, urge them to check their hearing further and urge them to enter phase two, it is say, you find the right therapy, “he said. it’s Milisavljevic.

Based on these data, Milisavljević notes that in some patients, hearing returns within a few weeks and within a few months.

Milisavljevic stated that dexamestazone is used during the treatment of hearing impaired patients, as well as that there are two theories about how the coronavirus attacks and damages the auditory nerve.

The first is that microthrombi form in the blood, hitting the inner ear and damaging the vascularity of the auditory nerve, and the second is the lack of oxygen in hemoglobin, which damages the auditory nerve, Milosavljevic explained.

He mentioned that no one in the world has yet carried out such a complete study of the impact of Covid-19 on hearing, and that the results of the study will be sent to the leading American journal on otorhinolaryngology.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
