A state of emergency has been declared in Nis and all kindergartens remain open


Nis declared a state of emergency due to the jump in the number of patients with coronavirus, which has “increased from two to three times” in that city, authorities said after the Crisis Staff session, noting that the decision has a limited term until December 1. They did not speak of concrete measures, they referred journalists to the local self-government site, and there was no information on the number of newly infected people, which is not announced in that city.

The epidemiological situation in Nis today is more dramatic compared to previous days. Branislav Tiodorović, epidemiologist and crisis staff member for Niš and Republic, assessed the situation as going from unfavorable to extraordinary. It says that of the total number of people tested in covid clinics in Nis, 37 percent are positive for the coronavirus.

He adds that there is really a lot of pressure on the Clinical Center, where, according to the latest data, there are 242 people in the room. Three people died as a result of this infection in the Nis Clinical Center and two in the Vranje Kovid hospitals.

How many asymptomatic patients, that is, citizens who carry the virus, but do not know they have it, Tiodorović says that the most difficult question is.

“We have a situation where you can say that: every day, if we have between 37 and 38 percent positives of the total examined, I speak on behalf of the city of Nis, then we should expect that that number (asymptomatic cases ) increase and be measured in thousands. “I must say that the number of first examinations in the Health Center and in the Clinical Center has increased. Compared to five days, it has increased by two to three times, “explained Tiodorovic.

Upper grades at Dusko Radovic and Stefan Nemanja elementary schools are moving to online classes, as is Bora Stankovic High School, due to the large number of infected teachers. The situation in the kindergartens, they claim, is stable, so they will remain open.

Read more about the covid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the Coronavirus page.
