A state of emergency has been declared in another Serbian city



20.10.2020. 12:33


Prokuplje, Photo: Printskrin

As explained by the “significant increase in examinations of patients with respiratory problems, as well as those infected by the kovid 19 virus,” the Prokuplje crisis headquarters declared a state of emergency throughout the territory for which it is responsible. The decision was made at this morning’s crisis headquarters session and will take effect immediately.

To prevent further spread of the infection, the crisis headquarters assessment is that extraordinary operational protection measures need to be taken, and the condition for their adoption is the declaration of an emergency situation.

Has a state of emergency or emergency been declared in your city / state?

– Crisis Personnel will monitor the implementation of this decision to monitor the situation and take action in the territory of the city of Prokuplje with the authorization of the Headquarters for Emergency Situations of the City of Prokuplje, and the decision will be immediately delivered to the Toplica District Emergency Situations Headquarters. emergency situations, public companies, institutions and other participants in the implementation of protection and rescue measures – it is written, among other things, in the explanation of the Decision on the introduction of an emergency situation.

The decision to introduce an emergency situation was preceded by the conclusion of the Emergency Situations Headquarters based on the risk assessment and the expected development of the situation in the area threatened by the pandemic infection caused by the coronavirus virus.

The decision was made, according to the evidence, based on the report of the epidemiological service of the Prokuplje Health Center, where they assure that in recent days there has been a significant increase in examinations of patients with respiratory problems and coronavirus, although according to the report hospital officer yesterday. In the infectious department of this institution, four patients were hospitalized for the entire Toplica district, three of whom were positive for corona.
