A star accused of international prostitution, recruited and sold girls for 500 euros!


Recall, Tijana Ajfon was arrested in the “Crystal” operation and 15 other people were arrested with her for organizing orgies and a cocaine party at a weekend house in Suvo Polje near Bijeljina. The star was then placed in pretrial detention, from which he was released after a month, while the other arrested were mostly released immediately.

She crossed the boat

– Maksimović is in charge of encouraging Serbian citizens from the Belgrade GS and SP area at the end of May this year to travel with her to Bosnia and Herzegovina, to Bijeljina, to provide sexual services and to provide sexual services at a private party for 500 euros each. writes the Bosnian portal Srpska info. Referring to the allegations in the indictment, they write that Tijana Ajfon entered ByH illegally with the girls during the Kovid 19 pandemic.

– The girls crossed the Sava river by river, in a rubber boat, and on the shore they were greeted by a transport that took them to a private party in a town near Bijeljina – Bosnian media report.

arrested in Bosnia
arrested in Bosniaphoto: YT print screen

The police raided the party in Operation “Cristal” and arrested the participants.

– The accused is accused of intentionally recruiting and inducing two people, of foreign nationality, to provide sexual services in a country where they do not have residence or citizenship, in order to obtain illicit profits, thus committing the crime of international induction into prostitution – The Bosnia and Herzegovina Prosecutor’s Office for the media.

Tijana for Kurir

Understand, I cannot make statements

The messenger tried to contact Tijana yesterday. – Thanks for your interest. For now, we will not give statements to the media – Tijana’s lawyer told us. Kurir’s reporters tried to talk to Tijana last night, but she said from the terrace of her apartment that she should not: – Have understanding, I cannot give statements because the procedure is ongoing – Ajfonka told our journalists.

By the way, after his release from custody, Maksimović told the media that this was the most common holiday.

– It’s a celebration … As if you could go to a celebration. Let’s ignore the border crossing, let it be in Belgrade … That doesn’t mean he’s a pimp, it hasn’t been proven yet. It was a celebration. We are all liberated. The most important thing for me is that I am free. Unfortunately, I was the only woman detained. Now we are waiting for the test and you will be familiar with everything, Tijana iPhone said at the time.

Ate beans in jail

Upon his return to Belgrade, the iPhone revealed that he liked beans more in prison.

– When it comes to food in prison, it wasn’t like a restaurant, but I ate almost everything. I was constantly afraid of gaining weight, but the situation is such that if you don’t eat what you have, you are left hungry. I have to say that the prison beans are the best I’ve ever had – Tijana said at the time.

Kurir.rs/ Jelena Ivić

Photo by Damir Dervišagić, Printscreen YT

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Author: delivery courier
