A source of medicinal water that few have heard of! Who visits it, has no health problems



24.10.2020. 20:54

One of those who regularly drinks this water is Zoran Simić, also a resident of this town of Blato.

medicinal source

healing spring, Photo: Printskrin / Toplicke vesti

Far in the mountains, at the foot of Cerovica in the village of the same name in the village of Grgura in Blato, under a hundred-year-old beech tree, there is a spring from which healing water.

– This water has been curing for a long time. People used to come here a lot to drink this water, which is believed to heal the kidneys, the internal organs, the eyes, “we learn from Rada Lazarević, a resident of Grgur village who grew up drinking this water and had no health problems.

Do you believe in healing waters?

Cold, beautiful, drinkable, this water is a true medicine for the soul.… This spring is many centuries old and is a church spring, Lazarević notes, adding that on the other side of the spring there is a shrine dedicated to the feast of the Burning Mary, and it was probably built before Nemanjić.

One of those who regularly drinks this water is Zoran Simić, also a resident of this town of Blato.

– Someone always comes, especially for the water, but many people do not even know this fountain because little is said about it in public, says Simić. This miraculous water gushes out from under the century-old beech surrounded by three more century-old beech trees.

In the immediate vicinity of this spring, there is a mill in which the leader of the Toplica Uprising, Vojvoda Kosta Vojinović, was killed. People believe in the healing effect of this water, and four letters and a shrine preserve a healing spring that never runs dry.
