“A SMALLER NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH HEAVY CLINICAL FRAMEWORK CAN BE DECEIVED” Tomorrow, crisis personnel for the fight against corona virus, Dr. Janković reveals what the FIRST MEASURE could be


A state of emergency and curfew have been introduced in some cities and countries in Europe due to the explosion of the corona virus. The situation in the region is also worrying, Serbia has been surrounded by hotspots for weeks. The Crown is ready for another coup, and are we ready?

On that, but also on the collision of the corona and the flu, also known as the “perfect storm”, then on catering and antikovid measures, students, masks, but also passengers in the GSP and control of the application of measures, talk in the program “Thursday at 9” on RTS. The mayor of Belgrade, Dr. Zoran Radojicic, the immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic and the virologist Dr. Nada Kuljic Kapuljica.

As long as people gather in large numbers, do not keep their distance, and do not wear masks, an increase in the number of infected people is expected, said Dr. Janković.

Today, 36 percent of those infected are from Belgrade.

According to Radojicic, of 204 newly infected people today, 36% are positive in Belgrade.

– If we look from October 1, those are numbers from 23 to 87 percent positive. These are just some data that illustrate how positive Belgrade is, but it is expected for a city like this that has so much circulation – said Radojicic, adding that the vast majority of Belgraders, especially the elderly, adhere to the measure.

Dr. Nada Kuljic KapuljicaPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Dr. Nada Kuljic Kapuljica

Dr. Nada Kuljić Kapuljica said that if we look at the numbers that are displayed every day in relation to the number of hospitalized and the number of patients on a ventilator, then it is clear to everyone that the clinical picture is easier.

– From the beginning I said that the virus cannot be weakened. Certain mutations have also been tested. However, that’s just a small start of something. It takes a lot of time and money to test everything. The virus is new, something is happening to it, even changing the clinical picture. Everything takes time – said Dr. Kuljić Kapuljica.

Srdja jankovicPhoto: RTS / screenshot

Srdja jankovic

The virus is changing, Dr. Janković confirmed. The time factor affects the number of people who are hospitalized and / or who use a respirator.

– Now, fewer people with a heavier image can deceive us. One of the first measures would be the obligation to wear masks outdoors, where there are contacts. After the meeting we will know if it will be necessary to tighten some other measures. It is important that all measures are applied jointly and consistently – said Dr. Janković.

“There is no reason for students to switch to online classes”

More could be done if the measures were implemented more strictly, added Dr. Janković. According to him, at this time, there are no reasons for students to switch to online classes.

– Classes are sporadically affected, they react on time, so for now we should not think about closing schools. Because school measures were well implemented, schools are now less of a risk factor than meetings, he added.

“There are no children in hospitals”

The mayor of Belgrade said that, unlike the previous wave, there are no children infected with the corona virus who have been hospitalized.

– Regarding the control of compliance with the measures, last week 171 buses were inspected. At six points, 15 fines were issued for commercial entities and 13 individuals. It is true that we will control even more intensely next week. Public transportation is a risky place – said Radojicic.

Influenza vaccination is important due to a collision with a crown

It is known what we will do with the flu: to receive the vaccine, Dr. Nada Kuljić Kapuljica has it clear.

– There may be a more serious clinical picture and complications if corona and flu are combined. That is why flu vaccination is important.

Seasonal flu is something that should not be underestimated, agrees Dr. Janković.

– Even the combined ones (corona and flu) if they do not create a more serious clinical picture, can cause problems. What happens is that if we have two diseases that plague at the same time, the health system is overloaded and that can take its toll on people.

According to Dr. Janković, there is already more supervision of people entering Serbia, and that is working well for now.

– It comes here as a significant measure of home isolation for those who have a positive test, it is a moral and legal obligation. It is impossible to have so many police officers monitoring people, but it is certainly possible to tighten surveillance if the situation worsens.

Speaking of “herd immunity”, Dr. Kuljić Kapuljica explains that the issue of immunity is actually a matter of years. In other words, it takes a long time to get herd immunity.

On the collective and “herd immunity”

– Now we don’t know how permanent that immunity is, or how long it will last. A strategy based on shortcuts to gain immunity is not effective, Janković stresses.

The essence is to prevent the massive transmission of the virus, and not to paralyze life, he adds.

– That’s what the Swedes are trying to do. But the bottom line is that there is no perfect strategy. The potential for virus transmission is drastically reduced if we wear masks. It is undeniable that building immunity is a process that occurs in all pandemics, but it is arguable that there are people who are trying to take a shortcut. I don’t have enough words to express disgust about that. We still do not know how long immunity lasts, it happens that one percent of people do not get protection – says the immunologist.

The secret is in strict compliance with the measures, concluded the guests on the “Thursday at 9” program.

Possible new measures

Let us remind you, in the last 24 hours in Serbia, 6,504 people were tested for the corona virus, 203 of them were positive, while sadly two people died. According to the latest data, there are 25 patients on ventilators in Serbian hospitals, up from 22 yesterday. Doctors warn that the number of patients in Kovid hospitals is growing.

New measures may be discussed in the crisis staff session tomorrowPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

New measures may be discussed tomorrow in the crisis staff session

Tomorrow there will be a Crisis Staff session due to the jump in the number of infected in our country and the appearance of a significant number of patients in several cities in Serbia. The introduction of new measures may be discussed in the session.

Some of these measures, judging by the statements of the members of the Crisis Staff this morning, could be mandatory to wear protective masks outdoors when contacts occur; then reduce meetings from 30 to a maximum of 5 people or complete the ban on meetings; local movement bans, not throughout Serbia; closing cinemas and theaters and stricter measures to enter Serbia.

VIDEO: How the crown enters human cells
