A shining example in Serbia: finally white zeros after 11 days


Novi Pazar – In the General Hospital of Novi Pazar in the last 24 hours there were no deaths, nor new, for the first time in eleven days.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Tanjug / AP Photo / Lucas Dumphreys

Photo: Tanjug / AP Photo / Lucas Dumphreys

This was told to Tanjug by the acting director of that hospital, Dr. Meho Mahmutovi.

Currently, there are 112 hospitalized in Novi Pazar General Hospital, 42 in Novopazarska Banja.

Of the 154 patients, seven of whom are in intensive care, a little more than half are from Novi Pazar, the rest are mostly from Raka and, as the Mahmuts say, they also had patients from neighboring cities: Mitrovica, Tutina , Sjenica, Kraljevo, Leposavia …

He pointed out that the epidemiological situation in that health institution is complex and unstable, as in other parts of Serbia, but that recently the number of patients in Novi Pazar testifies to the fact that citizens adhere to the epidemiological measures and decisions of the Ficha of Crisis.

The most important thing is prevention and travel measures, so that someone does not get sick, says Mahmutov, adding that it must always be borne in mind that “the virus does not choose age or nation, which is the case all over the world.” in our country, unfortunately. , there are young people who had severe forms of kovida 19.

“Every health worker, hearing that a large meeting has been held, does not feel well, because he knows that in seven to ten days there will be an increase in the number of patients in hospitals,” said Dr. Mahmutovi.

“It is important to say that we have many people cured, including a large number of elderly people who have suffered from other diseases. They are cured and sent home, “Mahmutov said, adding that they have had great success in treating kovida with plasma.

Just as patients are treated in the main health institutions in Serbia, they are also treated in our country. All the patients at Novi Pazar hospital are moderate and severe, a large number of them have comorbidities, so they are at increased risk, says Dr. Mahmutovi.

“Patients in Serbia receive all this from medicines and therapies, and so do our patients,” said Dr. Mahmutovi, adding that Protocol No. 10, which they receive from the Republic Crisis Tab and the Trampoline Institute, is currently in effect.

The hospital’s kovid system employs 70 doctors and 140 nurses, and that’s enough to keep that part running smoothly.

“We have enough medicines, protective equipment and doctors from the beginning, we have central oxygen in all the wards,” says Dr. Mahmutovi, adding that around 300,000 residents of the area are gravitating towards his hospital.

Every year, Opta Blonica in Novi Pazar performs 14-15 thousand dialysis sessions, 4,000 chemotherapy treatments, around 2,500 deliveries (one of the largest maternity hospitals in Serbia) and is therefore organized in such a way that the part of the hospital that is not coded provide patients with all necessary medical care.

You can follow all the information about the coronavirus epidemic in Serbia minute by minute HERE.
