A session on the construction of Makishu, a protest rally and the police in front of the Sava Center


At the session of the City Assembly, the Detailed Regulatory Plan for the construction of a residential complex in the area of ​​the water source in Makiš and the metro start station was approved today. On the eve of the session, opponents of that project gathered in front of the Sava Center. Some of the participants in the meeting in front of the Sava Center tried to enter the room where the session was taking place, but were stopped by members of security.

The Makiš construction plan was approved with 61 votes in favor and two votes by the councilors of the Civic Democratic Forum against.

The police, who prevented the protesters from entering during the protest session and rally, are still at the entrance of the premises, but most of the rally participants dispersed.

Several dozen protesters, who oppose the construction of Makiško polje because they believe it will endanger Belgrade’s water supply, previously managed to break into the Sava Center corridor, where a session of the city parliament was held to discuss the plan.

They met this morning in front of the Sava Center, but initially they were unable to enter the room where the Municipal Assembly is located because they were prevented by members of the police, the communal militia and security.

After the withdrawal of a small number of members of the Police Brigade, the protesters managed to enter through the first door of the Sava Center, after which they were detained by security and the Communal Militia in front of the second entrance.

makiš session set sava center
Source: H1

They shouted against the intention of the city authorities to build a settlement in Makiško polje and demanded that the session of the Belgrade Assembly be interrupted because they believe it is illegitimate.

They also asked the Minister of Environmental Protection to attend the session and comment on the plan.

On the eve of the Assembly session, the opponents of that project met this morning in front of the Sava Center. Among the participants in the meeting were supporters of opposition parties, non-governmental organizations and citizens’ groups who oppose the construction of Makiško polje because they believe it will endanger Belgrade’s water source. Some of them claim that members of the security attacked them and called the police to react.

security makiš centro sava
Source: H1

At the same entrance to the Sava Center, in addition to the security members of the facility, there were several members of the Communal Militia and plainclothes policemen, and at one point members of the Police Brigade appeared with equipment to dissolve demonstrations, Beta reported.

The assembled people shouted “thieves”, and the crowd at the main gate lasted a long time.
