A series based on one of his books is being filmed, and this is where he did everything


Today we learned who the new ministers of the Serbian Government will be and the journalist Ratko Dmitović will take over the leadership of the family care department.

It should be recalled that Aleksandar Vučić previously offered a ministerial post in the new Serbian Government to Aleksandar Šapić’s Serbian Patriotic Union, who nominated Dmitrović for this post.

Let us remind you, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, presented today, after the session of the Presidency of the SNS, who will be the new ministers in the Government of Serbia.

Ratko Dimić was born in 1958 in Komo Herzegovina, in Banja, in present-day Croatia. He finished high school in Kostajnica, studied law and journalism in Belgrade and Zagreb.

Dmitrović is a well-known Serbian journalist and publicist. He was a permanent correspondent in Zagreb for the daily Politika and the weekly NIN, editor of the weekly “Argument”, founder of the television “RAS” and worked at RTS.

For several years, he served as CEO and editor-in-chief of “Novosti”. He published the book “Cross on the Cross” and the novel “Professor Mišković’s Notebook”, according to which the series is being filmed.

For a time, he was an advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Nebojsa Covic in the Government of Serbia, headed by Zoran Djindjic, and was elected a member of the Serbian National Assembly in the June elections from the Serbian Patriotic Union list, as a non-partisan .
