A seemingly ordinary tavern, but marriages are made in it as a joke! Mistress Vida says 19 of them have been married so far



12.09.2020. 08:40

If the road takes you to the village of Međurečje in Podgolje, you will be greeted by a seemingly normal tavern.

The village of Međurečje

Međurečje village, Photo: Printscreen / Prva

If you ask a bit, you will understand that this installation is very special, because all the girls who came here to work got married, which is why it bears the symbolic name of “Dream achieved”.

Have you visited a cafe in the village of Medjurecje?

– So far, 15 of them have been married and four have been divorced. Everyone said they only came to work and were not interested in marriage, but very soon when they met one of the boys, the story had a second epilogue. I usually see when that guy comes for the third, fourth, sixth time so he admits he likes it. If we know him, we say: “Okay, boy, it’s good”, if we don’t know him: “Don’t go yet”, but in vain, fall in love and let’s go: the owner of the café Vida Đokić tells the story of “150 minutes “.

He says that all the girls were young, good and hard-working. Vida and her husband George accepted them as family members and that is why they were guests of honor at all the festivities.

However, there are certain verification criteria. The housewife had a special method of controlling the girls.

The village of Međurečje

Međurečje village, Photo: Printscreen / Prva

– I ask Facebook to see how it is and to reach an agreement. They had a good tip, we got along well, they even helped me with raspberries when needed.

So far, up to 19 girls have been married from this house in nearby Ivanjica. Now the landlady is waiting for another waitress who will make her dream come true right here.
