A public debate has started on the impact of the Linglong tire factory on the environment


The first and then the second presentation of the public debate on the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the complex of production plants for the production of tires with the corresponding infrastructure was held today at the Zrenjanin City Hall. The second round of public debate was organized so that all interested citizens could hear the presentation of this document.

In its beginnings, the event marked a kind of protest by citizens in the hall of the building who wanted to attend, but security did not let them enter the room, because due to epidemiological measures the number of people was limited to 30.

Subsequently, it was said that everyone will be able to follow the presentation, in groups with a limited number of people, and that the presentation will be repeated as many times as interested citizens.

Linglong plans to build a complex of production facilities for the production of tires on some 97 hectares in the “Southeast II-A” working area in Zrenjanin, and the study was carried out by the Belgrade company Enecta, which was presented by Dragan Kovacevic .

According to the Study, this document was prepared mainly in order to define the potential impacts and determine the necessary environmental protection measures, in order to prevent negative consequences for the environment during the construction of the plant, and in cases of possible accidents.

The study also says that the complex will produce tires for passengers, commercial vehicles, trucks and buses, industrial vehicles, as well as tires for agricultural vehicles and machinery, and the total production capacity of all tire production facilities on the site is projected. on 13, 62 million tires a year, while the unit would run 340 days a year.

The study defines all the potential environmental impacts that may occur during construction and operation, but also the necessary environmental protection measures that must be taken to avoid negative consequences for the environment.

The analysis concludes that the impacts that may occur during the construction of the plant are small and of short duration and mainly related to the impact on air quality, and that during the project period there will be emissions of gaseous, liquid and solid waste. , as well as generating certain noise, vibration, radiation.

It is also stated that no significant impacts are expected from the release of combustion products into the atmosphere, that technological emitters will receive an emissions treatment before their release into the atmosphere, appropriate to the type and concentration of pollutants expected, and the concentrations achieved. they will be significantly less. and the potential impact of production plants on air quality is practically eliminated.

Adequate treatment of technological wastewater will be provided before its discharge into the city’s sewerage system, as well as atmospheric water from parking lots and highways before its discharge to the receptor, so as to minimize the impact of the project on the regime and water quality.

It was also indicated that the noise emission of the process equipment will not be important for the noise level in the environment, since the process equipment will be housed in closed facilities to comply with the working conditions, and the closest residential area it is more than 700 meters from the future. complex, indicating that the noise level decreases exponentially with distance from the source.

These environmental protection measures during the design, construction and operation of the Project, as well as in possible accidental and accidental situations related to the operation of the facility, aim to reduce possible negative impacts to the limit of acceptability, so that we, as Study authors, the facilities will not endanger the environment in the area in question, “the study said.

Civil unrest: public perception has become a sham

The civil uprising announced that the Zrenjanin Municipal Administration did not allow the interested public to participate in the public debate on the Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the Chinese Linglong tire factory, which will be built in the territory of that city, and that the procedure turned into a sham.

The number of seats in the hall was limited to 30, and half were occupied by representatives of Linglong and members of the City Administration technical commission, while the remaining seats were occupied by representatives of the media, leaving less than ten seats for citizens, according to the statement.

About a hundred people remained in front of the City Hall or in the City Assembly hall.

After being prevented from entering, they presented a large number of presentations to the secretaries of the Municipal Administration, pointing out the illegal behavior of the organizers of the public debate, announced the Citizen Reversion.

As added, citizens and representatives of professional associations from Belgrade, Nis, Pozarevac, Becej, Novi Sad, Vrbas and other places unsuccessfully tried to enter the public debate.

It was also pointed out that, despite the obvious omission in the organization of the meeting, which resulted in the illegality of the entire procedure, the City Administration still initiated the discussion.

As specified, of the two hours scheduled for public discussion, one hour and forty minutes was dedicated by the investor’s representative who represented the study, while citizens were left with twenty minutes for questions.

The sociologist and member of the Board of Directors of the Civic Revolution Ivan Zivkov pointed out at the meeting that the format of the discussion was contrary to the Environmental Protection Law, and that the organizer had to provide an adequate space for all who wanted to attend. .

Zivkov concluded that any act approved in an illegal procedure would also be illegal and sooner or later annulled, and then called on those present to show solidarity with those who stayed at the door and leave the “farce of public debate”.

Subsequently, the city administration, unofficially, informed those who did not disperse, but still stood in front of the City Hall, that after the first round of the debate, they would hold the second, announced the Civil Reversion.

Prior to the public debate, the Civic Reversion called on citizens, NGOs, the media and especially environmentalists and environmental activists to join the debate, warning that the construction of the factory could have a detrimental impact on the environment.

As announced at the time, Linglong plans to produce around 14 million tires a year in the middle of agricultural land, near the special nature reserve “Carska bara” and right next to Zrenjanin, and that it will need hundreds of trucks a day to transport raw materials and finished products.

They also claimed that Linglong comes from China, the most polluted air country on the planet, and that, as they noted, no European country wanted a gigantic tire factory that it plans to build in Serbia on its soil.

“The planned factory also creates secondary hazards: it was recently announced that the Shandong Yangu Huataj Chemical company in Zrenjanin will build a dangerous tributyl phosphate factory for the needs of its subcontractor and partner, the Linglong company,” said Civil Reversal activists.

They also emphasized that in the event of a chemical incident or fire, in Zrenjanin, and even in all of Serbia, there are not enough forces and equipped for an adequate intervention, as well as elaborate mechanisms for the evacuation of the population and that it is a danger that exceeds the problem. of a city. .

Civic Reversal activists also stated that Linglong intends to connect to existing infrastructure – roads, electricity and water – which are otherwise in poor condition, and that the city of Zrenjanin has not developed instruments for quality control. of air or sewage treatment, and that for decades problem with plumbing, that is, quality, quantity and pressure of the water.
