A photo that traveled the world: a doctor hugged a crying patient


Joseph Varon, a doctor treating coronavirus patients at a Texas hospital, was working for the 252nd day in a row when he saw an elderly man in distress in the kovid-19 intensive care unit.

Varon’s comforting hug of the gray-haired man on Thanksgiving was taken by a Getty Images photographer and the photo went viral around the world.

Varon, chief of staff at United Memorial Medical Center in Houston, told CNN that he saw an elderly patient “trying to get out of bed and out of the room” at the entrance to the intensive care unit.

“I saw him cry,” Varon said. “I went up to him and asked him, ‘Why are you crying?'”

“And the man says, ‘I want to be with my wife.’ So I grabbed him and hugged him,” Varon said. “I felt very sorry for him. It was very difficult for me, just like him.”

“In the end, she felt better and stopped crying,” Varon told CNN.

“I don’t know why I haven’t gotten sick until now,” said the doctor. “My sisters are crying in the middle of the day.”

Varon said isolation in kovida-19’s intensive care unit is difficult for many patients, especially the elderly. Kovid-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus.

“Can you imagine,” he said, “you’re inside a room where people come in in space suits.”

“When you are an older person, it is much more difficult because you are alone,” he said.

“Some of them are crying. Some are trying to escape,” he said. “We actually had someone try to escape through the window the other day,” he added.

Varon says the older man in the photo “feels so much better.”

“We hope that he will be discharged from the hospital before the weekend,” he said.

Doctor’s advice: take precautions

Male also had a message for people who do not take precautions in the middle of a pandemic.

“People are in bars, restaurants, shopping centers,” he said.

“It’s crazy. People don’t listen and then they end up in my intensive care unit,” he says.

“What people need to know is that I don’t want to be able to hug them,” he emphasized.

“They have to do the basic things: keep a physical distance, wear masks, wash their hands and avoid going to places where there are a lot of people,” he says.

“If people did that, I hope that health professionals like me can rest,” said the doctor.
