A photo of a nude patient from the Arena got the audience on their feet! City leaders responded



11.11.2020. 13:47 – 11.11.2020. 14:18


Patient, Photo: Screen Printed

Images of a patient from the temporary covid hospital in the Arena appeared on social networks, filmed at the time of the change of clothes, and the Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, Goran Vesić, requested an urgent investigation into this scandalous threat to privacy and violation of personal integrity.

Vesić noted on Facebook that the crime was committed by posting these photos, and everyone who participated in it is held accountable, because the privacy of patients and women was violated.

Today I asked the director of the “Belgrade Arena”, Goran Grbović, to urgently investigate how the photographs of women from kovid’s temporary hospital in the Belgrade Arena were published. He has already approached the Serbian army, which runs the hospital, and the Interior Ministry, Vesić wrote.

According to him, the “scandalous” photos were published on the Instagram account “Dylan Dog” and were spread yesterday on social networks.

I’m angry. The city of Belgrade, as well as the Serbian army, are not to blame for this scandal, but we are obliged to apologize to these women and their families and promise them that those responsible for this scandal will be held responsible – Vesić noted.
