A PHOTO OF A BROTHER AND A SISTER FROM BELGRADE EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT “They didn’t separate for a minute, 112 of those kids visited us in just one day”


The children’s inn, which is located in two locations in Belgrade, is for some children the only place where they can bathe, eat something hot, get clean clothes and shoes, as well as the necessary care. Unfortunately, the sheer number of children coming has grown even larger, and the culprit for that is the global coronary pandemic virus, which has already further impoverished the most threatened layers of society.

“We set a record for this time of year – 112 girls and boys visited us in one day. Among them was a brother and a sister who did not separate for a minute,” reads the announcement that the organization “Posada para Niños” shared on his Facebook Profile. Anyone who has had a chance to see these two little ones for a moment must have had that nasty taste of sadness and bitterness mixed in their mouths.

In a conversation with Mina Lukić, the coordinator of the Inn, we discovered why the number of users of the “Inn” increased this September.

“That number of 112 children is really a record number of children for this time of year. In early January and in the winter, we expected it, but this was quite surprising. We tried to understand and investigate why it happened. Somewhere our conclusion It was that everything is caused by all this state of emergency, closure, bad economic situation of their parents because they have fewer opportunities to earn money, many families live from the collection of secondary raw materials, and as the purchase price has dropped dramatically in comparison with the pre-coronavirus period, we found at least part of the explanation in that. On the day the photo was taken, there were many, up to 112, yet we constantly have a growing number of children these days, which is not typical. for this part of the year because the weather was good. “

The coronavirus and the recommendations of the epidemiologist and the Crisis Staff are respected within the “Posada”, and they also have the help of users in that regard. That is to say, no incident occurred, and even the children themselves took the danger of contagion seriously, and they ensure that the entire healing process within the premises is carried out as quickly as possible and that everyone receives food and supplies. baths needed.

“Somehow we have organized ourselves, so that due to the whole epidemiological situation, there are not more than 13 to 15 children and educators in the room at the same time. Yesterday there were around eighty and we organized ourselves so that the children took turns. until 6pm, but we have extended the workday by another two hours since September. This now seems like some children are waiting in front, some are bathing and eating, and when they finish, other children are coming in. Literally, we organize so that every child This situation is new to all of us, but the children are so full of understanding, and when they see others waiting, they rush to get in. We didn’t have a single awkward situation, they are full of understanding for each other. “

The increase in the number of children in early September put them in the uncomfortable situation of having their supplies reduced. Then her community, as Mina calls them, friends of the “Posada” came on the scene and saw the appeal on Facebook, and reacted at the same time, so the shortage of sweets and snacks was quickly resolved.

“At one point we had a shortage of sweets and snacks just when school started. Otherwise, we used them for school snacks and for snacks at the Inn and at one point we had to appeal because they were really in short supply. We posted on Facebook, and citizens and Businesses responded and donated sweets and snacks. We depend a lot on our community and friends who follow us because we have great needs on a daily basis. Every child needs a complete combination of clothing, food and hygiene products. We first receive donations from citizens and then companies “.

As he tells us, both inns have a team of 13 people who work 365 days a year with no day off. In addition to their efforts, there is no shortage of help from socially responsible and big-hearted people, as well as from the companies themselves. All together they put a smile on the faces of the children for whom “Svratište” is their second home.

“We finance ourselves with projects, we write projects for donors, the funds we receive annually are equal to or less than the goods we receive from citizens. We are characterized by the fact that, if we did not have so much support from citizens, we could not achieve everything” .

In addition to shoes, boots, underwear, socks, jackets and food, this year, due to the coronavirus, they are the ones that most need masks and disinfectants. Fortunately for the kids and the team behind the “Inn”, people donate that to them too.

“We disinfect everything in 45 minutes to an hour, handles, tables, work surfaces, almost everything. We disinfect after each use. We cannot pay everything from the money we have, so we manage it through donations from citizens who bring it to us, what it brings us means a lot. Children need warm shoes and boots in this period. Winter is easier to endure, rain is a big problem for us. Waterproof shoes are our priority, as well as jackets. Of course, we need underwear, socks, tools for personal hygiene, and now for the crown, mask and disinfectants ”, Mina tells us at the end of the conversation.
