A patient who has coronary symptoms is already contagious, this is the time


The director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, Prof. Dr. Marija Zdravković, says that the situation in that hospital is completely stable.

– We have 158 patients infected with the crown, the largest number is in a moderate state with mild and moderate pneumonia. A significantly smaller part of the most serious clinical picture is found in the intensive care unit. Fortunately, at this time, only a small number of patients have six patients on their ventilators, Zdravković said.

As he added, the symptoms do not differ in relation to the start of the epidemic, and the patient is contagious before the onset of symptoms.

– A patient with symptoms is surely contagious 24 hours before that, and sometimes up to 72 hours, and that is why it is important to wear a mask even if we do not have symptoms – says Zdravković.

As you pointed out, the symptoms are insidious, with a feeling of fatigue, pain and fatigue, and then a fever.

Zdravković emphasized that it is important for the patient to call as soon as he feels discomfort, mainly due to himself, in order to start therapy on time, and it is very important when he started receiving it, on the first or seventh day.

– The reaction to the crown is individual and the course of the disease is not known. It is true that the average age in Europe of patients who have had crowns has advanced, but one is the average and the other is specific cases – said Zdravković.

As he emphasized, people who have symptoms should not delay their visit to the Kovid clinic.

(Kurir.rs/ Rosa)

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