A Nis whistleblower won a lawsuit against the Nis ambulance in court


After several years of legal proceedings, the Supreme Court of Cassation in Belgrade issued a decision in favor of the complainant of the Nis ambulance, Dragan Stamenković. The court found that the ambulance violated the Whistleblower Protection Act by posting the identity of the whistleblower on four bulletin boards, prompting his colleagues to harass him.

On behalf of the costs and damages, the Emergency Department should pay Stamenković almost 420,000 dinars.

Stamenković’s case was withdrawn from the High Court to the Niš Court of Appeal and vice versa, eventually reaching the Belgrade Court of Cassation, which ruled in his favor, they write. Southern news.

It is established that the defendant Institute for Emergency Medical Aid in Nis took injurious action in relation to the prosecutor Dragan Stamenković of Niš by posting the report of the whistleblower-prosecutor on the four notice boards at the defendant’s premises, thereby exposing him to harassment. derogatory threats and nicknames, says the verdict.

Stamenković, who works as a driver in the Emergency Department, alerted the competent inspectorates and the public about the changes in the regulations of the Institute where he works, which refer to the qualifications that drivers must meet.

His anonymous letter, signed by director Slavoljub Zivadinovic, was posted on the institution’s notice boards, revealing the identity of the complainant.

“I suffered harassment and humiliation. People really started avoiding me a little bit. Everybody knows it, but now they just send me words of praise. They say ‘bravo, teachers’ and ‘that, kings,'” Stamenković says.

He also believes that the case ended with a final verdict with no right to appeal just because it ended in Belgrade, and it did not stay in the Nis courts.

“I was not respected in the Nis prosecutor’s office and in the judiciary, Belgrade proved it. There are indications that everything is hampered by the wife of director Zivadinovic because she is the president of the Nis High Court. This puts me in doubt”, says Stamenković.

Officially, the total costs in the verdict are around 420,000 dinars, but Stamenković says the ambulance should pay him more than half a million dinars, and those are budget funds.

“It is the citizens’ money, unfortunately. And I am very sorry that this is happening and that all the nonsense of emergency management is paid for by the citizens,” Stamenković said.

He also remembers that there are three more advanced trials against the Ambulance, and he is especially grateful to Pištaljka’s lawyers, for whom he says they helped him a lot in his fight.

Stamenković has been a driver in the emergency room for nearly 40 years, becoming a whistleblower a few years ago when he first pointed out changes to the regulation on hiring drivers.

He informed the public about the defective vehicles, about the rental of the space of this medical institution to a cafe, about the sale of masks to employees and the lack of equipment at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.
