A NEW TERM OF TITO’S DEBTS COMES TO BE COLLECTED: Here is how much more we will pay, next week we will return 20 million euros!


Next Tuesday, December 15, 22.14 million euros are pending collection. Of that, up to 4 million euros are interest and around 17.8 million are capital.

The last installments of the loan that the “old Yugoslavia” took in the seventies and eighties expire in 2031 and 2041, and the total union exceeds 1,700 million euros.

Therefore, those who remember the time the loans were approved could largely withdraw upon repayment.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Serbia borrowed a total of € 8.8 billion. We borrow $ 3.8 billion from the Paris Club and $ 2.2 billion from the London Club. During the previous years, we amortized an average of 250 million euros of old loans, last year about 230 million and this year more.

Today, what we owe the most to the Paris Club: € 1,090 million, when we, as a republic, borrowed a total of € 4 billion four decades ago. Second is the World Bank (€ 700 million), that is, its IBRD branch, which approved € 1.8 billion in the same period, and we will repay the loans to China and Kuwait for several more decades.

The Ministry of Finance has repeatedly stated that Serbia is properly repaying its obligations and loans, both in terms of financing capital and infrastructure investments, and debts incurred in previous decades.

Last year we settled a debt with the London Club of 170 million dollars. A debt regulation agreement was signed with the Czech Republic, which has its origin in the period of the compensation payment method, and work is also under way on servicing the debt with Libya of around 44 million euros.


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