11.10.2020. 10:22
It will be the 22nd record currently running APR

Counter, Photo: Hello! / Rajko Ristic
Starting tomorrow, the Trade Registers Agency will start to maintain the Register of Health Institutions in Serbia, as a centralized and public electronic database.
In addition to the registry itself, tomorrow the single registries of subjects in health care will begin to work, which will unite, in addition to the health institutions owned by the Republic of Serbia, also private practice, the director of APR told Tanjug , Milan Lucic.
Affirms that in this way, all legal entities that provide health services, both private and state, will be in one place, and their data will be published publicly and transparently in a centralized manner on the APR website.
– It is necessary for the 1,400 health institutions in the next period to submit a registration application for the registration of harmonization with the APR and submit certain documentation prescribed by the Health Care Act, or the attached Rulebook that describes the content of the registry of health institutions. – Lucic declared earlier.
That adjustment, as it says, is completely free for the next three months, and it is possible even after that period expires, that is, even after January 11, but in that case, a fee of 4,900 dinars will have to be paid.
Lucic said that the Rulebook on the content of the registry of health institutions prescribes what data each subject must submit, depending on the type of health institution, to the APR, in addition to the registration request for the harmonization registry.
To date, he says, entrepreneurs in private practice dealing with health services in Serbia are registered in the APR, that is, in the register of business entities.
According to the allegations, APR took care of all the documentation of all the commercial courts where health institutions have been registered until today, which is why it is in the archives of APR in Rakovica.
He specified that the files contain documentation of health institutions from 20, 30 or 40 years ago, which also refers to the establishment, and that they will be able to find in the APR in the future if they need it.

accountant, Photo: Hello! / Dejan Briza
– This also applies to interested citizens who request this information based on the Law on Access to Information of Public Importance – Lucic said.
He claimed that all that documentation was scanned, as well as that the scanned disks were returned to the commercial courts for evidence of what they referred to APR, and that the documentation was permanently stored in APR.
– What is the essence and why all this is done is that the registration process itself will be transparent in the future, and the establishment or any change will be immediately publicly available on our website. – Lucic explained.
He noted that each registration process is completed within five business days.
– Our goal is to register all legal entities that may be registered in Serbia in the future. – Lucic said.
He stated that APR still registers the vast majority of legal entities in Serbia, but that there are still certain legal entities that are still registered in commercial courts or some other body of state administration.