A new study finds that the corona virus can survive in the air for 3 hours and live in plastic for days.


Scientists have discovered where the new virus stays the longest

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A new study looking at the coronary heart disease virus COVID-19, the Sars-CoV-2 virus, has reached important conclusions about a new type of virus. that the world has been struggling for the past three months. Scientists have discovered that the virus survives in the air up to three hours and can last up to three days on plastic and steel surfacesFox News reports.

The study, published on the medRxiv website, found that the new coronavirus could live on copper surfaces for four hours and last up to 24 hours on cardboard.

– The results we obtain indicate that it is a virus. it transmits air through objects that we use and can stay alive in air particles for several hours, while in surface objects it can live up to several days – said the researchers of the study, which has not yet been reviewed.

Another study, published in February, concluded that COVID-19 was similar to other coronaviruses, such as SARS and MERS, and could survive on metallic glass and plastic for up to nine days.

In comparison, the influenza virus can survive on the surfaces around us for an average of 48 hours. That study, published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, suggested that coronaviruses could be “disabled” within a minute by using disinfectants containing “62-71 percent ethanol, 0.5 percent hydrogen peroxide, or 0.1 percent sodium hypochlorite, “while other agents containing” 0.05-0.2 percent benzalkonium chloride or 0.02 percent chlorhexidine “are less effective.

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There is currently no effective cure for the COVID-19 virus, and work is underway to find a vaccine.

So far, more than 127,000 cases have been recovered worldwide, with more than 4,700 deaths.

V. T.

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