A new food chain is coming to Serbia!



12.12.2020. 19:22

Russian retail chain Svetofor, known in European countries under the brand name MERE, has begun preparations to enter the Serbian market.


Shop, Photo: Hola / Dejan Briza

According to the Retail Serbia portal, the Russian partner in Serbia bought the first locations across the country where it plans to officially start its business.

As announced in mid-August from the Russian company’s Belgrade branch, it is planned to open at least 100 markets with an average area of ​​about 1,000 square meters in the Serbian market.

They are claimed to plan to work directly with growers, with strict quality control and a low markup, and they also noted that their prices will be 20% lower than average.

MERE is a subsidiary of the Russian Torgservis Group, founded in 2009, which currently operates in more than 800 locations in Russia under the Svetofor brand and is the third largest chain behind the commercial companies X5 and Magnit.

Retail Serbia also claims that the Russian discount chain plans to open the first stores soon in Greece, where it is actively looking for locations, while in Athens, Thessaloniki and Party it is already working on organizing the rented spaces.
