A new contingent of Pfizer vaccines arrived in Serbia


Today a new contingent of 58,500 doses of the coronary virus vaccine “Pfizer – Biontek” arrived in Serbia.

This is Pfizer’s largest single vaccine delivery to date.

The vaccines were delivered to the Torlak Institute, from where they will be distributed to the vaccination points.

Let us remind you that another 100,000 doses of Sputnik V arrived last night and another 500,000 Sinofarm vaccines are expected on March 5.

According to the latest data, 1,436,682 doses of the coronavirus vaccine have been administered in Serbia so far, and 511,999 people have received the second dose of the vaccine.

In terms of the number of vaccinations per million inhabitants, Serbia ranks sixth in the world, after Israel, Seychelles, the United Arab Emirates, Great Britain and the United States.

According to the number of vaccinations per million inhabitants, Serbia ranks second in Europe, after Great Britain.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
