A NEIGHBOR WHO REPORTED THE PIANIST “We haven’t reacted in 11 years, the problem arose when they started playing at the HALF CONCERT PIANO”


“Since 2005, when we all moved to the university campus, my family has been listening to piano lessons in a neighbor’s apartment. Two piano teachers and the aforementioned pianist who was little at the time practiced for several hours every day. 11 whole years, we did not react to maintain good neighborly relations. The problem arose when the playing became much more intense and when they started playing the semi-concert piano. “

With these words, the neighbor who denounced the pianist Vladimir Acimovic (18) from Nis for playing the piano in his apartment describes the genesis of the problem that, after the Misdemeanor Court, reached the columns of the newspapers since a proceeding began for disturbing the public order against the young musician. He points out that this semi-concert piano is designed to be played in rooms without a sound system because the sound it produces is very strong and penetrating.

– Imagine what it is like to live with the daily rehearsal of compositions and the constant repetition of notes on a semi-concert piano. We wanted to solve the problem peacefully. We offered financial help to the neighbor to isolate the room in which he plays and solve the problem in that way. In addition, in the building there are empty and tidy common rooms with window and central heating. However, the neighbor rejected all that. In addition, he did not even request a space for rehearsals from the City Assembly, the Symphony, the Faculty of Arts, the School of Music … For him, the only possible solution is to play a semi-concert piano on the floor because it’s probably the most comfortable for him. The fact that for this reason our family of four with two primary school students cannot lead a normal life, it does not interest him at all because he believes that his talent is first and foremost and most importantly – says this neighbor who asked to remain anonymous.

He claims that he is happy that Vladimir is talented and developing his talent, but not at the expense of his life and peace in his own apartment.

– It is true that the neighbors signed some consent, but at the time of signing no one knew our version of events because we did not complain in the corridors. Some of the neighbors announced the withdrawal of their signature, but it must be taken into account that the sound does not reach the others with that volume because nobody lives in the apartment below and the apartments are spacious (four apartments per floor in four different corners of the building). After all, that consent has no legal meaning because the practice bothers us real estate owners and its use is hampered. What would it be like, say, for a neighbor if my kids started playing tabletop or riding rollerblades in the apartment? This media exposure at the time of the misdemeanor proceeding aims to put pressure on the judiciary, and that we are portrayed in the eyes of the public as arrogant individuals who do not understand art and talent, according to the neighbor.

Semi-concert piano produces sound up to 95 dB

Neighbor’s lawyer, Zoran Mitic, says that the thesis is being superseded and that the proceedings against Acimovic are being described in the media as an attack on classical music and art, which is not true.

– According to the decision on the house rules in residential buildings in Nis, which is in force since July 6, 2017, the use of music devices, televisions, but also playing and singing in special parts of the building is allowed only up to room volume. Information can be found on the Internet that a semi-concert piano produces a volume of 70 decibels. When playing the so-called fortisimo, the piano produces a volume of 95 decibels. The allowed room volume is 35 decibels. It is obvious that this is a total thesis replacement. This is not an attack on the art of music, but just a wish for my clients to use their real estate in the manner provided by law. They do not interfere with anyone else in the use of real estate, so they ask Vladimir to do the same, explains lawyer Mitic.

According to him, practicing the piano on a semi-concert piano is not for a residential building, and “in no country or city in the world could one go unpunished, that is, initiating such a procedure.”

Practice is not doing work

The lawyer Mitic also points out that the exercise does not imply the execution of musical works, but the exercise to perform musical works.

– That means the persistent repetition of one and the same part of that musical work in order to practice. And then you can imagine what it looks like, considering the fact that my clients are exposed to sound two to three times louder than allowed. It is all very well that he is a great pianist, that he is young, that he is successful, but that does not give him the right to prevent my clients from using real estate – says Mitic.
