A member of the Roma party ended the hunger strike.


Goran Stanojevic

The vice president of the Executive Board of the Rome Party, Goran Stanojevic, ended the hunger strike because he was invited to make a statement at the police station tomorrow about the death threat, the Rome Party announced.

The Roma party claims that Goran Stanojević started a hunger strike because, as they claim, he was expelled from the police station by a police officer, when he wanted to denounce the death threats that NN had sent him. person due to his political activities.

They add that Stanojevic is ending the hunger strike, because the objective has been achieved, “to create a climate and for the police and the prosecution to initiate proceedings by taking his statement.”

“If threats and various types of pressure continue, in the electoral process, members of the Rome Party and our sympathizers will react decisively in accordance with the law. We make a special appeal to MUP members to take up their work in serious and do not remain silent and harass citizens who report similar cases to them. We trust the state, but the people who block its operation must be held accountable, “said the gypsy party.

We remind you, in front of the Serbian Assembly and On the fourth day, Dveri leader Boško Obradović is on a hunger strike.and yesterday he was in that kind of protest accompanied by the deputy Dveri Ivan Kostić.

It’s before Serbian Progressive Party MP Aleksandar Martinovic ended hunger strike, since the First Basic Prosecutor’s Office announced that it had initiated evidentiary actions regarding the attack against the parliamentarian Marijan Risticevic. On Monday night, SNS MP Sandra Božić abandoned the hunger strike and, together with Martinović, demanded that the prosecution be announced.

The first to launch a series of hunger strikes in front of the Assembly four days ago was independent parliamentarian Miladin Sevarlic, who demanded that the Kosovo issue be included on the Assembly’s agenda. He is ended his strike on May 11,, ,, acknowledging that Obradović and Martinović’s hunger strikes completely eclipsed theirs.
