A member of the Novi Sad City Council apologized for the tweet two years ago


Novi Sad city councilor in charge of education, Dina Vucinic, apologized for her tweet a year and a half ago, when she called Croats a “permanently ill nation.”

Dina Vucinic stated that she wrote the tweet in reaction to the attack on the Red Star water polo players in Split, adding that she was born in Zagreb and that most of her family are in mixed marriages, she reported. portal 021.rs.

“I reacted emotionally at the time, now I probably wouldn’t. I’m sorry for that tweet,” said Dina Vucinic.

He said his family has been going through hell since the day the media began reporting on his tweet, adding that he was in the High Tech Crime Department.

She compared her statement to the statement by current Croatian President Zoran Milanović, who said four years ago that “Serbs are a bunch of misery.”

“I also regret that we have never talked about statements, or tweets, but statements, because no media in Croatia or Serbia dealt with Mr. Milanovic, who said that the Serbs were ‘a handful of misery’. At that time, nobody analyzed it” . Vucinic said.

The tweets in which Dina Vučinić, the newly elected Education Councilor, insults the Croats, but also in which she insults the opposition, while calling Zorana Zaeva “Shiptar” because she “decided to attack Serbia”, were published by the former member of the Municipal Assembly of the Democratic Party Goran Radojev. said the portal 021.
