A man was arrested for illegal sexual activities at the GSP


WOMEN HARASSED IN A BUS ON LINE 65: Man Arrested for Illegal Sexual Activity at GSP

Photo: Kurir / Petar Lazović / Illustration

A man who sexually harassed women on bus number 65 in Belgrade near the New Cemetery was arrested.

“The suspect was taken to the competent prosecutor’s office with a criminal report,” the Interior Ministry said.

On the occasion of the disturbing event, the Municipal Administration of the City of Belgrade, Secretariat of Public Transport, announced that the driver had made a mistake.

“On the occasion of the incident that occurred on October 29 on line 65, the Public Transport Secretariat collected all the relevant data and statements from carriers and drivers and handed over the case to the competent services of the Ministry of the Interior,” they specified.

One of the passengers, on the aforementioned line, carried out illicit actions, as indicated in the advertisement, for which reason, at the request of the Ministry of the Interior, the video surveillance video was delivered to the competent authorities.

“There are reasons to suspect that an unidentified person committed a crime in the vehicle – sexual harassment. In the case of this fact, the driver was forced to follow the procedure – emergency services. The mentioned procedure consists in activating the alarm – service of emergency, that the driver comes into contact with the dispatch center and after explaining the controversial situation, the dispatcher calls the competent organizational unit of the Ministry of the Interior ”, the announcement indicates.

In order for the driver to activate the alarm – emergency services, he must first see or hear that something is happening in the vehicle or that one of the passengers reports that there is a disputed situation.

“The data obtained indicates that the passenger who was exposed to inappropriate behavior did not report the incident to the driver, nor to any of the passengers, and the driver could not see what was happening in that part of the bus. At the ‘Faculty of Mechanical Engineering’ stop, the driver was informed about the incident, but the passenger who carried out the illegal actions abandoned the vehicle “.

The Ministry of Public Transport calls on passengers to timely inform the staff about any controversial situation so that such unpleasant events do not occur again – it is stated in the announcement of the Municipal Administration of the City of Belgrade, Ministry of Public Transport .


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Author: delivery courier
