A MAN FROM ALEKSANDROVAC DIED: Epidemic in Rasina district took a new victim


According to the latest data from the Krusevac Public Health Institute, 28 new cases of coronavirus have been registered, and among them are 17 from Krusevac, six from Aleksandrovac, three from Trstenik and two from Varvarin.

The number of positive students is also growing: as of September 1, there are 13 of them in the Rasina district (five from Aleksandrovac and Trstenik and three from Kruševac).

So far the presence of a viral infection has been determined in four teachers.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, KOVID-19 has been confirmed in 1,897 people in Rasina district: 1,048 in Kruševac, 369 in Aleksandrovac, 223 in Trstenik and 119 in Brus.

So far, 80 cases have been confirmed in Varvarin and 58 in Ćićevac.

In the Department of Infectious Diseases of the General Hospital, 44 patients with symptoms are currently being treated, while 1,508 patients are considered cured.

There are 5,343 people from the Rasina district territory in the health supervision regime.

The highest number of deaths related to KOVID infection was recorded in Kruševac (32, of which 26 men and six women), as well as in Varvarin: nine (five men and four women).

Six deaths were recorded in Trstenik (four men and two women), three patients in Brus, three women patients and one male patient in Aleksandrovac, while two patients died from Ćićevac.

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