A MAN DISSOLVED AND THROWN PARTS OF THE BODY INTO THE SEA After 15 years, an executioner from the vicinity of Senta was arrested for a TERRIBLE CRIME IN BUDVA


Kristian Gondi (43) from Senta, whom Montenegro is seeking to serve a 30-year prison term, was arrested today in Serbia on the basis of an international arrest warrant issued by NCB Interpol Podgorica.

According to the Montenegrin Police Administration, he was deprived of liberty in order to have him serve a thirty-year prison sentence, to which he was sentenced by the Podgorica High Court for the crime of aggravated murder.

– Gondi was convicted because in 2005 in the Drobnići settlement belonging to Budva municipality, together with an accomplice of SR to obtain patrimonial gains through misappropriation of property, he took the life of the injured KD, and then, in order to To cover up the traces of the crime, the victims were torn to pieces and then taken into the sea and the body parts of the victims were thrown into the sea, Montenegrin police said.

The statement also indicates that the location and deprivation of liberty were preceded by a joint investigation of the selective search carried out by agents of the Department of International Police Operational Cooperation in the Criminal Police Sector and the Department of Specific Records of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia.
