A man (68) died in a fire! IT HAS NO ELECTRICITY FOR EIGHT YEARS!


Milorad P. (68) died in a fire that broke out around 9 am on Sunday at his home on Ulica 29. novembra in Borča.

As we learn, the man lived alone with his son, and most likely the fire came from a wood stove, with which Milorad was warming himself. – It is believed that the man was asphyxiated by the smoke that came from the stove – said the source.

Neighbors said that shortly after Milorad’s son left the house, they saw a fire coming from their house.

– One of the neighbors stopped him and told him to return, but when the young man arrived at the house, she was already half burned. They cut off the electricity for this family for more than eight years, now everyone from the neighborhood ran to help, put out the fire – the neighbors say:

– Unfortunately, when the doctors came in, Milorad had already suffocated. They lived long and now Milorad’s son is homeless, neighbors said, adding that the victim’s children gathered in front of the house and watched the police take away their father’s body.

Kurir.rs/ JI / Live NS Photo Illustration

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