A LONG KEPT SECRET REVEALED! Olja Ivanjicki’s paintings adorn galleries WORLDWIDE, and this FOLKER was her inspiration


Olja Ivanjicki had 99 individual exhibitions at home and abroad. In the sixties of the last century, he started with the first pop art in Belgrade, and also prepared performances that are remembered. His paintings are found in many museums and galleries around the world. However, few people know that Nada Topčagić inspired her in many paintings.

“My house is full of her paintings”, the singer Nada Topčagić begins the conversation and reveals how she and Olja met.

“I sang a song, I don’t remember anymore, I released a new album, I was between 24 and 25 years old. She invited me to a program on television, it was like her night. Olja wanted I told her that she was following my work, that she liked the way I dressed, the way I put on makeup, and everyone knew that she was always unique in that regard, and she gave me a picture of her, a golden girl, and she said, “Swim, it’s you.” to paint a woman who looks like me, looks like me. I was her inspiration and I’m happy about it, “Nada said.

photo: ATA images

Nada and Olja were neighbors in Kosančićev venac, and the singer points out that there were many who, when the famous painter died, said that “the other Olja in Kosančićevo” remained. However, she never agreed with that.

“I did not agree with that, Olja was a spectacular woman, it was a holiday to see her when she returned home, I looked at her entrance from my terrace. I was always unique, but it was hers. The crown of Kosančić was missing.” With the ensemble in his voice, Nada concluded.

photo: Zorana Jevtić


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