A lawyer came out in front of the house to light a cigarette and SAVED a woman


The lawyer Desimir Karamatraković, by chance, managed to help a mentally ill woman in Novi Sad.

The great heart of the lawyer was shown in the tragicomic case in front of his house.

“I went out in front of the building the day before yesterday to smoke and saw a woman hanging around my car, trying to open it. For a while I looked and realized that the woman probably had mental problems. Instead of yelling and forcing her, I walked over and I offered to help him, let’s start a conversation and make sure of what he thought, ”Karamatraković began.

The lawyer quietly called the police.

“While waiting for the patrol car, I chatted with my wife and ‘helped’ her unlock my car. When the police arrived, I told her not to be afraid, that they were good people and that they would help her open the car.” Karamatrakovic added. .

This story soon had an epilogue.

“It turned out to be a missing patient, whose daughter reported her missing two weeks ago and they have been looking for her ever since. The mother and daughter are from Beska. Basically, the daughter came looking for her mother, who was with the police in the car until her daughter arrived. “Why do I say that God sent me? Because my mother wandered for two whole weeks, who knows where and no one noticed. It is shocking how alienated we have become in a society” concluded Desimir Karamatraković.


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Author: delivery courier
