A KCV doctor broke the misconceptions and warned


The beginning of March changed the lives of all of us and put medical workers in front of the greatest challenges. We go slowly into fall, and then into winter when we will have to rule out the flu as a possible cause of illness. The virus is by no means more harmless, nor is the clinical picture milder, says the professor in an interview for “Blic nedelje”. Dr. Vesna Turkulov, Head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Vojvodina Clinical Center.

Why have they happened in this health center in the last six months to fight against Covid 19, says Prof. Turkulov also speaks that the ninth version of the therapeutic protocol is currently in force and it is not ruled out that it will change in the future.

Today, the moment of the start of the pandemic seems distant. The appearance of the infection in China, the outbreak of the epidemic in Italy, concerns and more intense preparations for the arrival of the virus in our country. As someone who participated in the work of the expert commissions of the republic, he says that at that time they tried to collect the latest knowledge about this infection, as well as the experiences of the countries where it has already occurred.

Vesna Turkulov Photo: Nenad Mihajlović / RAS Serbia

Vesna Turkulov

– An expert methodological instruction on the use of personal protective equipment was carried out, an action plan was carried out in the case of patients and a therapeutic protocol was carried out. Knowledge was actually very scarce at first, but it increased over time and the attitude towards this virus changed. In addition, the entire health system of the country was reorganized, and everything was subordinated to this disease. The therapeutic protocol, which was developed multidisciplinary and to which we adhere to throughout the country, we also had to modify several times, according to the arrival of new knowledge and experiences – says Turkulov, who is also a professor and head of the Department of Diseases Infectious from the Faculty of Medicine. in Novi Sad.

What do you think of the beginning of March today, after so much experience?

Vesna Turkulov Photo: R. Getel / RAS Serbia

Vesna Turkulov

– Seen from this perspective, after only half a year of the epidemic, March seems very far away. In the first outbreak of this epidemic, in Vojvodina we did relatively well, with a fairly small number of patients compared to the rest of the country. The second raid, which began in late June, brought in a much larger number of patients, but also a lot of new knowledge and personal experiences.

What has impressed you the most so far in the fight against the corona virus?

– There were many impressions during this time. A large number of patients, a complete reorganization of work, as we have never had before, even during the epidemics of influenza, measles, West Nile fever and others. There were many friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives who became ill. Many of them had a more serious form of the disease, which is certainly not easy, especially when you know someone personally. At the same time, there was a better understanding of colleagues from other specialties and the establishment of a new cooperation through joint work.

Continuously, for months, he receives covid patients. How many people have been examined and hospitalized so far?

– The KCV Infectious Disease Clinic was and continues to be the center of this epidemic. The first sick patient from Serbia and all the most seriously ill patients from Vojvodina were treated in our clinic. Over time, some other clinics became involved in treating these patients, but they also left the system, but our clinic was and remains the only one that treated these patients all the time without a day off. At this time, also, when the number of patients has decreased significantly, all patients with covid infection are in our clinic. The clinic’s outpatient clinic operates continuously and all patients are examined and admitted through our clinic’s outpatient clinic. So far, more than 1,500 patients have been treated in the hospital and more than 3,000 on an outpatient basis. All but one of the employees participated in the treatment of these patients, there were no vacations or days off. The doctors, nurses and support staff showed great professionalism, enthusiasm and courage, and I, as the clinic manager, am very grateful to them for that and proud of them.

How has our health system responded to the pandemic so far?

– I believe that the health system, under the given circumstances, responded well to this pandemic. We welcomed the second peak of the epidemic more prepared and organized, although I must say that it can and must always be better, and we will fight for that.

What awaits us in the coming months? Are the hospitals full again or can we keep a small number of infected by complying with the measures? Is the virus safer now than at the beginning of the pandemic?

– The Covid 19 infection began in the winter, when the flu epidemic was still continuing, so at the beginning of the epidemic it was not easy to distinguish whether it was corona or flu. We enter slowly in the fall, and then in winter when we will have a similar problem and when we will have to rule out the flu as a possible cause of the disease. The virus is by no means safer, nor is the clinical picture milder. I sincerely hope that we have now acquired some satisfactory herd immunity, given that a large number of people were sick and people were circulating, which was not the case in the first rush, when there were far fewer patients and when all were isolated. due to a state of emergency.

What else about the crown can surprise us?

– Five and a half decades of life and three decades of work experience, unfortunately, have taught me that nothing can surprise me anymore, and when it comes to this virus, especially.

What are the most common misconceptions of our citizens regarding the new virus?

– The biggest mistake of citizens regarding the corona virus is that it is a common cold that is easily treated, even if the disease is an invention, a marketing tactic or a product of the 5G network. I would like everyone who believes this to sit on one of the benches in front of the clinic for at least an hour and observe those many patients who arrive, breathe heavily, take them out of the ambulance with oxygen bottles, to see to numerous health workers who day and night in space suits and full equipment, watch over patients in the hottest heat. I’m pretty sure they would change their minds.

We will reach an agreement with the crown

How will we get rid of the crown, will the vaccine or will we learn to live with it?

– I think it will be difficult to get rid of the crown, but we will get along well and in time it will be like other infectious diseases. As for the vaccine, we will see what the effect will be, taking into account that we are not sure if this disease leaves immunity and what is its quality and duration. But it is true that the world will be different, people’s consciences will be different, and I hope that we all learn some lessons from this great misfortune.

Video: One day at KBC “Dragiša Mišović” at the time of the crown
