A humane message from Serbia to Croatia’s neighbors: you are not alone – News


Since yesterday, the citizens of Serbia have been sending messages of support and solidarity to the citizens of Petrinja and other areas of Croatia, which were affected by the earthquake. Today they met in front of the Croatian Embassy in Belgrade. Graffiti is also being drawn around the city, and the Serbian government has decided to send one million euros in financial aid to Croatia.

You are not alone, the people of Belgrade tell their neighbors in Croatia. At exactly 12:20 pm, 24 hours after the devastating earthquake that hit Petrinja, they gathered in front of the Croatian Embassy in Belgrade to offer help, solidarity and a handshake.

“And this is our way of saying that you are not alone, we are with you, at all times, you are not alone. And not only Croatia, but the entire region, we are holding hands and that is how we will overcome all problems, “says activist Aida Ćorović.

In order for the neighbors to overcome the problem faster and more easily, the Serbian Government decided to send one million euros of aid to Croatia, all after the Prime Minister personally asked President Aleksandar Vučić for it.

“Members of the Government have expressed their regret for the human lives lost in this natural disaster, and the funds are intended to help rebuild the destroyed buildings,” the Government said.

It is difficult to describe how much help and support in the tsunami of horrors that hit Croatia means, says the country’s ambassador to Serbia.

I would also like to thank President Vučić, who was the first, very moving, to express his support for the Government of Croatia and his words of encouragement. I would also like to thank the Government of Serbia, who managed to make a donation of one million euros to repair the damage, and I would like to once again thank the citizens of Serbia who show this exceptional solidarity and humanity, “said Ambassador Hidajet Biščević .

He adds that the embassy will open a draft account to which citizens can pay donations, and that due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is difficult to send material aid in the form of food and other necessities at this time. The Assembly of Free Serbia called on all citizens to help as much as they can.

“Unfortunate events always remind us how intertwined the destinies of the people in our region are and how important it is for us to help and support each other,” said the Assembly of Free Serbia.

The region is our home and you never know who will have to rush to help when, says the Igman Initiative.

“That is why we ask all countries in the region to show total solidarity to repair the consequences of the disaster that affected certain parts of Croatia, thus showing us and others that there is much more that unites and points to each other than what it divides and opposes us. ” “

Support also comes from artists in the region, and Vucko and Zagi say we’re going to hold hands.
