A huge death toll a day, and we act like we’re done with kovid


“Every day we witness someone losing the battle with the crown. The death toll in the last few days is already over 30, the number of patients is over 5,000, and we act like we have ended the fight with kovid. clear to me, “he said in Novi NIN editor-in-chief Milan Ćulibrk.

He points out that one of the main problems is the insufficient number of vaccinated citizens and the lack of interest in vaccination.

“It is amazing what is happening to us. Whatever they say, even though enough vaccines have been provided, they are now in warehouses. Fewer and fewer people want to get vaccinated in this country, which means that something is not known. You have done it correctly. My main objection is that throughout the day on our newspapers and televisions with national frequency we can hear people spreading that one should not be vaccinated. That is incredible, “says Ćulibrk.

He adds that every day a small number of citizens request vaccination and that, if this continues, the construction of the announced vaccine factories will be in vain, because citizens are not convinced that they should receive the vaccine.

After all, the president has not yet been vaccinated. “Every day he promises us, as if threatening us, that he will be vaccinated,” emphasizes Ćulibrk.

When asked if he was vaccinated, he answered yes and claimed it was a Chinese vaccine.

“The Chinese vaccine was available at the time. However, Dragan J. Vučićević ‘vaccinated’ us long before someone from NIN was vaccinated, because he said on Pink that his friends at the Fair told him that the NIN journalists were the first to rush and stand in line at the moment when not one of the NIN has been vaccinated … It is amazing the atmosphere that is being created here. Only at the beginning, there was a willingness from the authorities to get involved in the vaccination campaign, but what is happening now is very dangerous, “says the editor-in-chief of the NIN.

Speaking of the new epidemiological measures, he says that it is necessary to take stock, but that the measures that were not adopted did not contribute at all to the balance.

“We remember that last year we were imprisoned for two months with these bans on going out from Friday afternoon to Monday morning at a time when 30 people were getting sick every day. At that time, I did not know anyone personally who got sick from kovid. And from such firm discipline, it happened that at that time, when there were four or five thousand people infected a day, we were working in nightclubs. This year, Serbian resorts received more visits than last year, and then January and February were normal months. That says a lot about how responsible we are, ”emphasizes Ćulibrk.

He points out that we have witnessed the adoption of measures according to which the owners of the catering establishments learned on Tuesday that they will be closed as of Wednesday, that this has a very negative effect on the business and generates losses.

“There must be a clear strategy. Let him know at least ten days in advance what is being prepared and which way to go. Here we hear contradictory measures every day. We are completely crazy,” Zulibrk said.
