A heartless driver attacked the unfortunate young man with the worst curses (VIDEO)


SHAME EXPERIENCE AGAINST A MENTAL PATIENT IN LESKOVAC: A heartless driver attacked the unfortunate young man with the worst curses (VIDEO)

Illustration, Photo: Shutterstock

A video of intimidation and abuse of a 30-year-old gypsy circulates on social networks, when strangers insult him, follow him by car and expel him from the city, and as we find out, he is a mentally ill man who is currently in process of social and health care.

Illustrationphoto: Shutterstock

A medical worker who treated him, now retired, warned us about the disputed video, claiming that he reported the entire case to the Office for Human and Minority Rights, from which journalists still await a response if they reported the entire case to the competent authorities, according to Jugmedia.rs.

“The video shows an arrogant driver harassing and cursing a patient from the Department of Psychiatry at Leskovac General Hospital, who is a difficult social case, with no roof over his head. I am a former health worker in the Department of Psychosis and I know perfectly well the medical history of this young man. I keep wondering why the city doesn’t have a solution for cases like this. I think that this type of behavior towards sick people is unacceptable, ”said Leskovcanin, who sent us the video, noting that he informed the Office for Human and Minority Rights in writing about the whole case.

At the Leskovac Center for Social Work, we were told that the procedure for caring for this young man is ongoing.

“He is a long-time beneficiary of social assistance and his health condition worsened a few months ago when we placed his son in a foster family. He is very emotional and is constantly interested in his son’s position. It was completely cooperative, clean, orderly, and was able to function alone. His condition has suddenly deteriorated in the last few months and we immediately began the accommodation procedure. At the end of next week, he will be hosted at the Zaplanjski dom in Gadžin Han, “says the director of the Center for Social Work, Predrag Momčilović, for juGmedia.

He states that a dozen users of the center have already stayed at this health institution.

By chance, a young man who is being abused in the video, members of our editorial office often have the opportunity to see him walking alone through the streets of the city without anyone’s escort or any kind of protection. In the previous period, we wrote several times about homeless people surviving on city streets, and it is mainly people who are patients of the Department of Psychiatry at Leskovac General Hospital. At the Social Work Center they informed us that currently in the city itself, with about 100,000 inhabitants, there are no conditions for their accommodation.

(Kurir.rs/Jugmedia.rs, D. Marinkovic)

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