A group of migrants forced a camp worker to kiss a prayer mat (VIDEO)


An unusual incident occurred on December 17 in the immigrant camp in Bogovađa near Lajkovac, after a group of immigrants rebelled because a farm worker inadvertently stepped on a prayer rug.

His involuntary action was the reason for a group of migrants to gather in front of the building’s entrance and protest loudly, forcing the worker to kiss the carpet and thus apologize to everyone.

As they say on social media, it is about a girl who works in that camp. One of the migrants preparing for prayer came out into the hall where he spread the carpet. At that time, as the corridor was narrow and there was no place to pass, the worker accidentally stepped on it to get to other rooms.

The confused girl did not know what was happening, and to calm the situation, she was forced to kiss the carpet in front of everyone so that the migrants did not create more chaos.

Judging by the video that is being broadcast on social networks, the girl was visibly upset throughout.


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Author: delivery courier
