A girl from Novi Kozarac has to go to an expensive intervention, the people of Kikinda are raising funds


Four-year-old Tamara Savić from Novi Kozarac, near Kikinda, has not yet heard the voice of her mother Gordana and father Živko, she does not know how the house barks or how the cat meows.

This girl has not heard yet because she has suffered mutual harm since birth. Her final diagnosis was made in 2017, after several examinations and tests, when it was determined that it was sensorineural hearing loss.

Subsequently, an operation was performed and a cochlear implant was placed in little Tamara’s right ear, but unfortunately, the parents noticed that their beloved still did not react to the sound. This was also confirmed in control examinations in the audiology ward of the Vojvodina Clinical Center in Novi Sad.

photo: Human Budi

So that the girl could hear, the medical specialists suggested the installation of a new cochlear implant.

For this intervention, parents need 19,000 euros, so an action was launched for Tamara in Kikinda and through the “Be Human” Foundation. So far 6,000 euros have been raised, but her fellow citizens want Tamara to gain an audience, so she is organizing new ways to raise funds for the treatment of this girl.

For this reason, on Sunday, October 4, in Kikinda, in front of the Cultural Center, from 3 to 7 p.m., a children’s bazaar will be held, in order to collect voluntary donations for subsequent treatment.


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Author: delivery courier
