A girl (17) stabbed a boy (20) in the stomach with a knife, a neighbor heard a noise and an argument and called the police


NIS – Nishlijka MP (17) was arrested for attempted murder because last night she stabbed PB (20) with a knife on Mayakovski Street, where she lives, thereby amusing herself, media report

The young man suffered serious bodily injuries, according to the Telegraph. According to the portal, the two got into a fight and quarreled last night around 11:10 pm, after which the teenager stabbed the young man twice in the stomach with a knife.

Her neighbor, who heard a noise and an argument, called the police, who found a knife at the scene, and the girl explained why she attacked the young man. Today it will be carried out by the Superior Public Ministry, accompanied by a public defender and an employee of the Social Work Center. According to the first information, the young man is stable.


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