A female worker was arrested in Belgrade for abusing her position


  • The working day is spent in good communication with the associates and establishing new agreements. A financial gain awaits you too. In an emotional sense you have …

  • At work, you are confident in yourself and get into conflict just to show you are right. You are emotionally in the mood to exchange tenderness and sweet words with another …

  • Business problems never end, which frustrates you. Emotions flare, but jealousy can lead to problems in relationships. When …

  • Follow a day of business and financial success. You will be satisfied because you are clear that the effort is worth it. In an emotional sense, you’ve sunk and you’re thinking …

  • Your confidence in yourself has never been lower due to work. You get satisfaction in the emotional field through your partner, whose love and support you can count on …

  • This is an auspicious day to grapple with some old commitments and finally get them off the agenda. Emotionally, you are not interested in any …

  • He’s in the mood for work and all the goals seem accessible. Emotionally, you are tense and can vent your disgust with your partner. In the countryside …

  • It’s a bad work day, which will make you very frustrated. You will have the impression that you are not moving from the same point. The day is great for …

  • The day is unfavorable for communication and traffic, so be careful. In an emotional sense, you are closed and you don’t want to talk openly about your …

  • The day is unfavorable for meetings, so you can expect some to be postponed without getting everything you want in the meetings. You will have an offer to enter …

  • This is a great day for public business success, especially if the business is about the law or the public. You are in the mood to love, see and communicate …

  • You are fully committed to your business commitments and you are successful. It’s a great day to meet a potential partner whom you can meet through …

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