“A dozen of them flew with black masks” THE HULIGANS WHO DESTROYED THE EXHIBITION HAD A GUARD At the message of reason, the bully snapped “DON’T CUT ME”


– I saw very young boys running one after the other, entering the room where the exhibition was mounted, and then demolishing everything at high speed, very aggressively and throwing tear gas. All that lasted no more than 6.7 minutes – the story of yesterday’s incident at the “Old Captaincy” begins Anita Bunčić Chetnik, president of the Zemun Association of Fine and Applied Artists, who was there at the time of this incident .

As stated by the Interior Ministry, the police are working intensively to identify the people who broke into the exhibition of clandestine comics of the “Boys” group last night in the Old Captaincy of Zemun and destroyed the works on display, and the competent prosecutor’s office.

As Buncic Chetnik told “Blic”, everything was going fast and it seemed that the boys were there according to the exact task.

She was there because she was preparing to open another exhibition that was scheduled for that night.

Vietnamese women and black masks on their faces

– I was in front of the gallery around 5.30pm and first I noticed a black dog. Then, right behind him, I saw about ten very young boys running one after the other and entering a large hall. They wore green and black Vietnamese masks over their faces – says Anita.

The fact that a guy who looked older than the others “kept watch” in front of him speaks in favor of the fact that everything was clearly planned.

– In front of him a boy a little older than them stood tall, whom I first approached and said “wait for me to explain”, to which he only said “you have nothing to explain to me” – he points out.

According to our interlocutor, he realized that he could not enter because it seemed that “if someone bothers me while doing that, they hit me.”

However, when they finished what they had, she did not refrain from telling them what she thought of their act.

– That “control boy” showed them where to run, gave them a signal. They went behind a restaurant and I grabbed that guy, their controller, by the shoulder and started to explain to him that it was about drawings, that it was some kind of hologram, that it wasn’t reality, that it wasn’t reality or life. He said “don’t bother me” – she says and adds that she was very angry and sad at the same time, but that she was not afraid.

After a few minutes, enough to meet, he called the police, who are very close, and when they arrived, they did an investigation.

It seemed apocalyptic

It looked very ugly, apocalyptic. I sympathize with the works of these artists, because it is like breaking something that is more important in your life and has emotional value. This is his work for artists because it comes from his soul and heart – said this brave artist.

While the investigation was still ongoing, the exhibition of the painter and writer Sanja Klisarić, which was supposed to open that night, was not postponed, so at the same time there was an “apocalypse” in a room and “happy faces and smiling “on the other. As Anita said, “the exhibition continues, the art lives on”.

Controversial drawing Photo: Who poisons our children – Citizens Association / Facebook

The controversial drawing of “Kenjkavac” that unleashed an avalanche of reactions on Twitter

Let us remember that, although the reasons for the attack are not yet known, one of the authors of the drawings on display, the cartoonist Marko Somborac, explained to “Blic” that it is an exhibition of works of about 30 years.

– This is a “Boys Reunion” exhibition, where the works of that group of comics, of which I was a member, were shown, with works that are between 20 and 30 years old. “They are inventing their vision of something that is black humor. That led to this attack,” Somborac said.

Somborac added to “Blic” that the attack occurred despite the fact that the perpetrators informed the police the day before that they had received death threats, and that the police station was “one minute from the exposure.”

– We see that people are unleashed by some unimportant things, not corruption, violence in schools, crime … I don’t think any of these have ever reported, for example, a neighbor who beats a woman Somborac pointed out.

“There is no freedom of expression without the freedom to express ourselves freely”

The Serbian Association of Comedians strongly condemned the incident that took place in the “Former Captaincy”.

“The act of threatening and attacking shows that our society has not progressed in relation to culture, but there are indicators that we are even regressing. We are aware of the personal sensitivity of each one of us and the fact that artistic expression, in this case underground black humor, does not evoke positive emotions in everyone. “But the choice should never be violence and confrontation,” the statement said, adding that “there is no freedom of expression without freedom of expression, and freedom of expression is one of the basic human rights.”
