A direct flight between Belgrade and Toronto? Ana Brnabi with the Canadian Ambassador in cooperation


Belgrade – The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabi, evaluated in a conversation with the Canadian Ambassador, Kathleen Abba, that the development of bilateral relations between the two countries is positive.

Source: Beta

Photo: Tanjug, Nikola An

Photo: Tanjug, Nikola Ani

The Prime Minister also noted that the progress of cooperation in the field of economy and investment is visible.

He pointed out that the most important type of bilateral cooperation is investments, mainly in the mining-energy sector, in which Canadian companies are traditionally interested.

He recalled that more than 50 Canadian companies now operate in Serbia.

“Canadian investors have recognized Serbia as a very good destination for investments in the field of mining and energy,” said the Canadian ambassador, expressing confidence that, despite the coronavirus pandemic, an additional boost to economic relations will be a direct flight between Belgrade and Toronto. whose introduction the two parties are working hard.

This direct connection, as he explained, will be of great importance, both for the rapid development of relations between Canada and Serbia, and for the large Serbian diaspora in Canada, which is an important link between the two nations.

The Canadian Ambassador praised the rapid progress in the field of innovation and digitization, recognizing Serbia as a leader in the region in these areas, the Government of Serbia announced.

As a good example and symbol of development and modernization, Aba mentioned the Biosens Institute in Novi Sad, which will take a big step in the digitization of agriculture and connect this important sector with information technologies.

He expressed the expectation that the cooperation between Serbia and Canada will develop in the future in the fields of science and innovation.

Prime Minister Brnabi thanked Ambassador Abi for her dedicated work during her tenure in Serbia and recalled the contribution and support she provided to the entrepreneurship, culture and tradition of Serbian women, primarily through the sponsorship of the Network. Ethno, which is important in cultural and cultural crafts. in terms of tourism, the statement read.
