A difficult week awaits us, and only after THIS DATE an improvement is expected


The epidemiologist and member of the crisis staff for the suppression of the coronavirus, Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, stated that the epidemiological situation in Serbia will be very difficult this week.

The crowds that happened on “Black Friday” and other gatherings in five to seven days will surely give a result through the number of positive and sick people.

Tiodorović said that only after December 10, we can expect a slow leveling of the curve, but at a high level, and a drop in the number of patients only at the end of December.

Tiodorović pointed out that this means that we must all act responsibly, from individuals to all institutions.

Hospitals are full, medical workers, doctors, nurses, technicians, but also non-medical personnel are working day by day. Without a day off, they are under a lot of pressure, because all eyes are exclusively on them.

– In hospitals they pursue practically all free places to accommodate the infected, the greatest pressure comes from Belgrade because it is the city with the most inhabitants, and it is logical that they are the most infected. When hospitals are full, the only logical solution is to send them from Belgrade to another city if there is no space. It should be understood that each contact contributes to a tremendous increase in infection. We have a situation in which we must be aware that greater maintenance of contacts in any form, be it “Black Friday”, shopping centers or social gatherings, parties, contribute to a terrible increase in the number of patients. The pressure is terrible on the health system, which is really fighting heroically, explains epidemiologist Tiodorović.


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Author: delivery courier
