A difficult day for Serbia – Online news


Tanjug / AP

The third wave of the coronavirus epidemic flooded Serbia with black numbers, where on Tuesday the worst results were recorded since the declaration of the pandemic in March. Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar hinted that the numbers will be the darkest yet before the regular crisis staff conference for infection suppression. Announcing that the numbers will break records, he presented alarming data on the fierce pressure on health institutions, where employees are extracting the last atoms of force to care for patients, who arrive at hospitals at lightning speed.

– 3,118 exams were carried out in Belgrade in 24 hours. Of that number, about 2,200 were first exams. More than 250 people were examined at the Infectious Diseases Clinic. The occupancy rate for this clinic is over 90 percent. At KBC Zvezdara, which is once again a covid hospital, more than 80 patients were admitted to sleep. We have 273 patients in the Arena, so there are still 237 places available – Lončar said, warning that the situation is getting worse and that there are fewer and fewer places in hospitals to treat patients.

Proof of this is that at the VMC Karaburma, which has been operating as a covid hospital since March, there are currently more than 80 patients, including ten in Intensive Care.

Milika Ashanin, director of the Serbian Clinical Center, also points out that the third wave is more destructive than the previous ones.

– Daily, we have two to three times more infected in this wave than in the first and second waves. As a result, we have a lot of pressure on the hospitals in Serbia. Nearly 10 to 15 percent of patients must be admitted, Ashanin said.

Apart from Belgrade, which is the epicenter of the infection, the situation is deteriorating in other parts of Serbia, especially in Vojvodina, where three times more people were infected than last week. Most of the new cases are in Novi Sad, where a three-digit number has been registered for days, and the situation is critical in Zrenjanin and Sremska Mitrovica. Nothing is better in Kragujevac and Valjevo either, and the situation is complicated in smaller areas like Dimitrovgrad, where authorities have declared a state of emergency and introduced additional restrictions. They also caught up with it in Novi Pazar, where the catering facilities, according to the new decision, must close at 9:00 p.m. Therefore, the owners held a protest in front of the city administration and then briefly blocked traffic at the roundabout. This shows that the government, both republican and local, will have even greater problems in the next period, because it will be the target of fierce criticism if it introduces restrictive measures and does not reach them since there are increasingly strong demands to close. rafts and clubs, as well as all the places where a large number of people gather, which is the trigger for the spread of the infection.

Mortality is increasing in the neighborhood

Data on the death toll in neighboring countries is also of great concern in Serbia, especially since experts explain that our country is 10-15 days behind the neighborhood in this wave. In Hungary, according to the latest data, 84 people died in 14 hours, in Bulgaria 51, Bosnia and Herzegovina 35, Croatia 34 and in Slovenia 24. In central and western Europe, the figures are much worse, because, for example, in the Czech Republic in one day 225 people died.

Germany donated five respirators

The German embassy donated five clinical respirators to health institutions in Serbia, and the donation was delivered to Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar by German Ambassador Thomas Schieb at the Serbian Clinical Center. The respirators will be distributed in the intensive care units of the clinics of the Serbian Clinical Center, and the value of the donation is 145,000 euros.

– It is clear that only together we can defeat the virus – said Shib, adding that Serbia can count on the solidarity of Germany and the EU in the fight against the corona.

Restrictions don’t help either

Although the most rigorous measures have been introduced in EU countries, for now, judging by the example of Germany, they are not working. More than 15,000 new cases of corona have been registered, as a result of which, according to the last section until the conclusion of this issue of “Vesti”, 131 people died. In France, they calculated that every 20 seconds, a Parisian gets a crown, despite blocking the country. The restrictions have not borne fruit either in Spain, where 55,019 new infections have been registered, double the number the day before, when there were 25,595.
